A new day...

One of the main reasons that I was talked into starting this blog was a general desire by several family members and friends to keep them up to date on things pertaining to firearms. These folks knew I keep up on the topic, and reading this blog as they wished would enable them to do the same.

Today, a law went into effect that allows handgun carry permit holders in all 50 states to carry in national parks and forests... provided the state laws allow such.

Tennessee's laws do allow for this.

Of course, the liberals and the "Brady Campaign against guns" have their talking points out there. My hat is off to MSNBC for having an obvious format detailing the major opinions of both sides. Link.

My personal prediction is that we are unlikely to see the new law get a negative reputation because of "gunfights" between carry permit holders.

We are more likely to see the law allow someone to defend himself/herself against a 4-legged predator... possibly a story or two in the next five years. Half that many stories will be about defense from a 2-legged predator.


  1. but is a handgun really that useful against an eagle? :^)

  2. Times I have been camping in state parks, there are very hasty racoons and if I'm not mistaken, other parks have bears, coyotes, etc.


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