This caught my attention:

As one might imagine (if they have read more than a post or two off this blog), I enjoy things that go "boom." As such, I have been to many gun shows. I remember when my father used to take me to gun shows as a kid. My brother and I (and my sister once or twice) really looked forward to them.

These days, I attend gun shows as a matter of business. I have not actually been to one since last summer, as I have not been in need of anything I might purchase at a gun show. Occasionally I'll go with a friend just to see what's there.

Needless to say, I feel right at home when I attend a gun show - commonly referred to as a "fun show" by those comfortable around guns.

I came across a blog post by a self-described "godless, gunless liberal." It was truly fascinating to see what he thought of attending a gun show. Whereas I always look forward to them as a child might look forward to a trip to the toy store, this man actually had a lot of reservations. Whereas I always feel right at home among people who share most of my opinions, this man knew his beliefs were out of place.

Link to blog post - WARNING - LANGUAGE.

I am always intrigued by seeing how someone who has different beliefs to my own sees the world... and that blog post was no different.


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