Narrowing the Field - Part III

Here is an excellent pdf file that has some questions and answers with the major candidates for Governor of Tennessee.


- All of the Democrats are gun-grabbers. Big surprise!
- Gibbons' answers are lock-stock-and barrel with the Dems... Another big surprise (NOT!).
- Haslam states something that is not true, and he contradicts himself. More below.
- Wamp is OK.
- Ramsey is spot-on.
- Kirkpatrick is not listed, but has views similar to Ramsey's

OK, so how did Haslam contradict himself?
In the pdf file, he is quoted as saying, in response to a question on "guns in parks" :
"I support the new law allowing handgun-carry permit holders to take guns into parks and I would oppose its repeal. "

However, in September, 2009, he is quoted as saying:
"The intersection of greenways and gun-free zones such as schools would make repealing the ban impractical. I think the best course of action would be to keep the ordinance we have."
Folks - this ban on carrying firearms in Knoxville was already in place and the city council voted to keep the ban in place.

Oh, and that is where Haslam stated something not true. In the pdf file, he is quoted as saying:
"I’m proud of the fact that Knoxville is the only big city in the state where there is no criminal penalty for legal gun permit holders carrying in parks."

But we just read where Knoxville lawmakers voted to keep their ban in place. How can both be true?


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