Great email from a friend:

I got this email as a response to a silly forward showing a lot of the Geico cooglie-eyed money saying that is what Obama has spent.
(edited for content, language)

"It never ceases to amaze me the way politics work in this country. Everyone was so [hacked] off, they voted for this guy even though he told everyone what he was going to do and how. Now that he has done what he said he was going to do, they are [hacked off] at him. The question is why?

1. They didn't listen to what he said. All they heard was "change", and considered it no further.

2. Blame was placed on the Republicans, even though the Democrats are the ones who created the tools and situation by which the economy crisis developed.

3. They voted the wrong people out and replaced them with someone worse than those who created the problem in the first place.

There are [a couple of possible] solutions:
1. Get rid of "Extremism", both Right and Left.
2. Educate ourselves on History, Politics, and our Constitution, and vote accordingly."

The only alternative my friend mentions to doing either solution 1 or 2 above is going down a road I think we can all agree we'd rather not.

This was reprinted from a personal email with permission. Any inaccuracies are my fault. I have removed some content in the effort of maintaining a family-friendly blog.


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