Funny conversation

At a recent family gathering, a group of us were conversing. Without my intervention, the conversation turned to guns. One of the others, who we will call "A" so as to keep her safely anonymous, has a job that takes her frequently to inner city areas in a major city. She stated she could never carry a gun. It was understood by all in this group that I do carry a gun, as does Mrs. Usagi. As luck would have it, A's husband also carries.

A had a laundry list of reasons why one should not carry. The funny part was my brother's response to every one of them. My brother is not quite as avid a gun fan as I am. He does not have a carry permit. But he does own several guns and is a respectable marksman.

As A would list a reason why one should not carry a gun (most of which were straight from the Brady campaign or liberal one-liners), my brother would respond with an absolutely silly remark.

A - "Nobody needs to carry a gun in a restaurant that serves alcohol - that's just asking for trouble!"
Brother - "But what if your waiter gives you poor service and you need to 'motivate' him to hustle more?!"

A - "I don't think I could pull the trigger on a homeless person attacking me! I'd feel too bad for them, even if they had a weapon!"
Brother - "That's why you need the gun - to get the target practice on the bums!"

A - "I go to the inner city a lot. The poor homeless beggars always just back off when you tell them to forcefully."
Brother - "And they would really back off if you pulled the gun on them. Heck, you could even rob them if you wanted to, because carry permits let you do that."

I almost could not contain myself with laughter. Finally, A became a bit flustered at having her points made fun of indirectly. I passed the entire argument - only stopping to put in:
"Whether or not you carry is up to you. Not me. And the reverse is true to. And nobody should be limited where they are 'allowed' to carry if they make the decision to carry."

So here's to my younger brother for fighting the good fight for me with humor I never could have gotten away with.


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