Man shot in Reno "Didn't deserve to die"

A man in Reno, NV "didn't deserve to die" according to his family. Scott DeMars pointed a replica gun at police officers and was shot in response.

Link to the article.

I personally think this was a good shoot. Pointing a gun - replica or real - at a police officer is a great way to get shot at. People who get shot sometimes die... it's sad, but it is a known fact of life.


  1. It's easy to say people get shot and die but what if it was one of your relatives or one your children that this happened to. another thing he was stolen from and he was also one of the brightest guys I've ever met. Sorry your not here with us in this world anymore Scott. Even though we only knew each other a short time you helped me a great deal and you are still helping me I wish I could of been a better friend. I know God has your spirit and if I would of put this in words along time ago you were a spirit before you were human and now your spirit is again with God prayed and this may not be the to say out loud I would like it if God would put your spirit back into this world you were a very smart young man. I wish this didn't happen you were stolen from so you stole. God bless you and your family. Anthony

  2. Anthony,

    Thank you for reading. It is clear you cared for the person in this article who was killed. I hope you use this to share to other people not to do insane things.


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