For the record

As Halloween is now over, and we are in to the month of November, I am reminded by the incessant commercials and advertisements that the Holiday season is upon us.

I'd like to go on record here. When I say "Holiday Season," I mean the general 6-week time of year when we have:
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas (yes - I said it!)
- New Years' Day
- and, for my three Jewish friends, Hanukkah

Other so-called "holidays" I do not personally recognize.
- Winter solstice is not a holiday - it is a time of year when the daytime is at its shortest.
- Kwanzaa is a racist celebration created within the last 45 years by a racist idiot and is not worthy of recognition.

So - to all my friends out there:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!


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