More on Wolves, Sheep, Sheepdogs

From this story in the Houston Chronicle. An off-duty officer shot and killed an armed robber in a Dairy Queen (what's that about not needing guns in restaurants?).

It would seem that as soon as the robber came in & pulled a gun on the employee behind the counter, eight customers ran & hid in the bathroom. After they heard shots, they peeked out the door, and saw the off-duty officer standing over the robber.

Be honest with yourself: would you have been in the restroom or would you have taken action? If not, do you know anybody who would have taken action?

There is nothing inherently wrong with the choice of being a sheep, or a sheepdog for that matter. Just be perfectly aware of who you rely for your safety, and the safety of your family: Do you take responsibility; or do you outsource responsibility to someone else?

Now, seriously, do you actually know someone (yourself included) who would have done what that officer did? Now, if you do know someone that would have done the same, is that person a police officer? Do you know someone who would have acted, and who is not an officer? Do you have it in you to take on that awesome level of responsibility?

There was once a time when any self-respecting man, and many tough women of old, would have no problem taking full responsibility for their safety and for that of their family.

Sadly, people like this are now the exception, and not the rule!


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