Great Letter to the editor

I really like this letter to the editor. The name of the letter is "Branding." It is the third one down the page.

Here's the letter:
"In reading the letters in The readers' forum, listening to the national news and reading a lot of articles on the Internet for the last few days, I have become sick of hearing the political left-leaning members of society brand those who disagree with the policies of our president as racist.

I am registered as an independent, I am white, I work hard for what I have, and I fundamentally disagree with our president's policies. Does that make me a racist? According to those like Jimmy Carter, Janeane Garofalo, and it seems a lot of local citizens, it does make me a card-carrying member of the KKK and a tea-bagging redneck.

Playing the race card is a feckless, ignorant, languid and last-ditch effort to win an argument when you have nothing left to offer for said argument. It's pathetic and diminishes those who play it. Let me make this perfectly clear: Political disagreement is not about being black, white, purple, red, green or yellow. It's about how we see our country and which way we want it to go.

But it will make no difference because I will still be branded a racist for the simple fact that I wrote this letter.




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