Tennessee goes national

Well, it was bound to happen. The mainstream media picked up on Tennessee's new law that brings us up to date with 41 other states, and allows for Handgun Carry Permit Holders to carry into establishments that serve alcohol, provided they do not drink.

Here is the ABC clip.

I dislike the title, but if it bleeds, it leads!

Charles Gibson messes up and says that "Licensed Gun Owners" may carry concealed.
- Tennessee does not license guns, nor owners.
- We may also open-carry, if we want.

Randy Rayburn, Nashville restaurant owner, argues that it allows for 1-2% of the HCP population to misbehave with their weapons.
- I argue that these folks would do that anyways, permit or not. But what the law allows is the rest of us law-abiding citizens, to protect our families and friends.

ABC does as good a job as it can of showing both sides (not nearly enough, though) and has points made by a gun range owner and a woman whose husband was murdered in a restaurant that serves alcohol by a man that illegally carried a gun (no permit, of course) into the restaurant. The woman had a HCP, but had to leave her weapon in the car because of our old (now defunct, thank God!), archaic law.

They also miss the point entirely that a HCP owner may not drink while carrying. Conveniently (or ignorantly?) left out.

To sum up:
- Liberals still wring their hands and wet their pants at the sight of a gun.
- Some liberals like to say they are gun owners, but what they do is very anti-2nd amendment.
- Even the liberal media can occasionally feign an amount of fairness in a report.
- 42 states have laws like ours. 2 states do not allow any carry. 6 states have archaic laws.
- The fight to keep our freedoms - all of them - is a continuous fight. It is the good fight.

The 2nd amendment is not about sport shooting, hunting, or self defense; though those are all protected under it. The 2nd amendment is about the ability to remove a tyrannical government. It is, therefore, the amendment most feared by tyrants. If a legislator/politician/judge/tyrant will disregard this right, what other rights will they disregard?


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