Some people just don't get it

So I was talking this week with someone about... what else... guns. He made two statements that made me do a double take.

First he said that although he was OK with the "guns in bars" law, he felt it should not have passed because the majority of Tennesseans were against it. He added that he has never heard of there being an armed robbery in a bar or restaurant that serves alcohol.

To that I respond:
Nikki Gozer would disagree. Her husband was murdered just outside of a restaurant that served alcohol. Nikki has her HCP and could have acted in self defense. She is convinced she could have saved her husband. FYI - the guy that shot her husband was not carrying legally.

Second comment the man made was in regards to "guns in parks." He said he did not approve, stating, "what if there is a disagreement and the carry-holder pulls out the gun and shoots?"

To that I respond:
How asinine. HCP holders are people and that could possibly happen - but I venture it would probably happen anyways and someone that would act like irresponsibly, permit or not.
A better question would be: "what if there was an argument that turned violent and the HCP holder could protect the innocent?"

But, then, we can't have things like facts get in the way of our feelings. I must say, the most disturbing thing was this man claimed to own several guns. But, no surprise to me, his business was posted.

And no, I did not carry into his establishment. And no, it was no bar or restaurant. I was there strictly on business as my employer requires me to visit him and a few others like him from time to time.


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