FOX Sports gets it dead wrong.

This article by Alex Marvez is an absolute disgrace. Mr. Marvez obviously takes his anti-gun sentiment too far in condemning Plaxico Burress - who just got two years in jail for violating New York's gun laws.

I never advocate anybody violate any law, but it seems the city of New York has done so. How, you ask? Thanks for asking!

"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
- Second Amendment, US Constitution.

Notice the Constitution does not apply this law only to the Federal government, but as an all-encompassing law: "... the right of the people... shall not be infringed."

I think this law in New York is unconstitutional. I think the article referenced at the top is atrocious. And I think anybody reading this blog knew I was going to say so.


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