Tyrranical Government

In an earlier post, I described the purpose of the 2nd amendment. As a memory refresher, I will cut & paste the specific part I reference:

"The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. Hunting is, however, protected under it.
The 2nd Amendment is not about sport shooting. Sport shooting is, however, protected under it.
The 2nd Amendment is not about self-defense. Self-defense is, however, protected under it.
The 2nd Amendment IS about the ability to remove a tyrannical government. It is, therefore, the amendment most feared by tyrants."

Response to this one has been beyond what I expected. In an effort to further clarify and exemplify what exactly the founders intended, I will now shed light on an event that happened here in Tennessee over half a century ago. This event is known by several names, but the most common name is, "The Battle of Athens."

Here are some links to the story:
Wikipedia (hey, they even got this one right!)
Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership

For those who like Cliff's notes:
- Corrupt officials in McMinn county (Athens, TN) were rigging an election. They even denied a black man his right to vote because of his race.
- A bunch of citizens, largely led by some recently returned GI's, back from WWII, got their guns and fought back.
- Real vote outcome was not in the best interest of the corrupt officials.

In an interesting side note, a libtard "journalist" from the New York Times wrote a scathing article about the men who took their county back. He went so far as to state that they had done so erroneously. He also suggested they had not gone through the appropriate channels with their complaints. When you read the articles and information on this event, you can tell this "journalist" had not done his homework.

It seems not much has changed in the last sixty-plus years of liberal reporting.


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