Should we keep guns out of parks?

No, it is not a good idea to keep "guns out of parks and away from little leagues and activity parks."

Here's why:
1. Handgun carry permit (HCP) holders must past extensive training and background checks in Tennessee. Additionally, the training class (usually $75 - $150) and the permit ($110) is not cheap. Not just anybody has one. These folks are not the bad guys - nor are they likely to flip their lids and "go off" on somebody.

2. The liberal media will ask "what if they do?" A better question would be, "what will the HCP holder do when somebody else flips their lid?" Answer: it's most likely they will try to restore peace if possible, and call the police if restoring peace looks unlikely. In the extreme event that the person who has flipped out brandishes a weapon, the HCP holder is in a good position to protect the innocent civilians there.

3. Many parks, especially in the beautiful state of Tennessee, have natural predators - bears and coyotes. Some of them, unfortunately, are so used to human contact that occasionally they wind up mauling a person because the animal and the person got too close. A HCP holder can defend himself and his family (or herself and her family) from such an attack. Now, before all the PETA types voice their opposition, in TN, we euthanize animals that attack humans. Therefore, the only questions in this case is who does the euthanization? And, do people die or not?

4. Posting a sign to keep out a law abiding HCP holder does only that - keeps guns out of the hands of the law-abiding. Criminals intent on commiting crime will bring guns in anyways - regardless of signs in the area.

5. Also, did you ever stop to think that the sign in Tennessee that prevents the HCP holder from carrying also lets the criminals know that there will not be armed resistance in the area? The criminals do notice this. Check out this link from Youtube, a piece done by John Stossel. Of particular interest is the part at 2:50 where some felons were interviewed regarding their thoughts on regular people using guns for self defense.

I will close by saying that I do not believe ANY areas should be off limits for law-abiding permit holders. However, I believe that until that day comes, those of us with a HCP should obey all laws.

This means if there is a place with a sign here in Tennessee that prohibits me from entering with my Glock, then I will spend my money elsewhere.

This means that in other areas (courts, schools, etc.) where carrying is forbidden by state law, I will minimize the amount of time I spend in these places and remain on high alert while I am there.

Also, this means that on July 14, I can protect my family when we dine away from home. Way to go Mae Beavers and Tennessee Legislature!


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