The "King" of Pop

It seems that Michael Jackson passed yesterday.

Thus concludes a lifetime of late night comedy fodder.

The more people I talk to, the more I realize I am not alone in feeling ambivalent about his passing. I do not rejoice in the death of anyone, save mass murderers and the like (i.e.- Saddam Hussein). However, MJ was pretty close to that level for me.


Glad you asked.
1. Child molester. Yeah, I know, the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. But right after escaping from the last litigation involving his weird preferences when it came to children, the man (and I use the word loosely) moves to one of the only nations on earth that allows sex with minors. This is no coincidence.

2. Over-rated. Yes, he had some catchy songs. Yes, he was the master of getting attention. But that does not elevate him, in my eyes, above performers of more talent. Give me some AC/DC, Metallica, G'N'R, or the like.

3. Attention -hound. There was nothing the man (again, I use the term loosely) would not do for attention. Must run in the family.

4. General wierdo. 'Nuff said.

5. Liberals love the man (again, I use the term loosely).

With all of this said, the humanitarian in me still hopes he had come to know the Lord, Jesus Christ, at some point in his life. If so, he is now in heaven and deserves to be. If not, then I guess he would deserve that fate, too.


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