Phony Moral Outrage
The Rifleman's good friend, Lefty , frequently rebukes #Libtards on Twitter for their phony moral outrage. Let's take a look at three major ways that phony moral outrage is demonstrated. It's for the children. #Libtards we'll use the phrase, "it's for the children," or some amalgam thereof. Meanwhile, their side is the one that advocates the killing of the unborn. Simply put, the Left doesn't mean what they say when they say, "it's for the children," they just want to elicit an emotional response from those on the Right. Deception . The Left will state their feelings on something, but their premise will be faulty. When your premise is faulty, the argument you make is built on lies, and therefore is completely invalid. Frequently, the Left is like, "we can't do this for reason XYZ." When, in fact, XYZ is not even the case. It is, therefore, no reason at all. Projection Many times, the Left will base an argument on...