Thursday, July 28, 2022

Never Again!

Screenshot submitted without comment. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Natural Way of Things

Recently, Prager U posted on social media:
"Nobody invented capitalism. It's what free people do naturally - exchange goods and services for their own benefit."

The statement is correct. And a deeper look yields this conclusion: those advocating socialism in any of its forms are going directly against nature. This statement holds true with other viewpoints often associated with socialism-favoring persons (Leftists). Let's take a look:

Socialists favor abortion. They say it is "just a clump of cells." They will say anything other than the unborn baby is a living organism. Yet, they would consider a discovery of a single cell organism on another planet to be life. But an unborn baby isn't life. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say men can menstruate and give birth. They say there are 87 genders. They say gender is a social construct and not a biological one. Yet, the natural way of most animals is male and female. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say one should not have guns. The purpose of guns is defense. Every other animal on Earth, and many plants, defend themselves with whatever means available. Why not mankind, as well? Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." In nature, animals rarely share resources. When animals do share resources, it is in very controlled circumstances: almost always within family or their immediate clan. Never species-wide. But Leftists want to take from YOU and give to another who is not in your family or tribe. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Everything socialist Leftists do and preach is against the natural way of things. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

The Eagle Is Ill

It was announced recently that Joe Biden has  fallen ill with COVID-19. Joe Biden is twice jabbbed and has twice received the booster.

In a statement released last year, Joe Biden warned that COVID-19 is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." That catchphrase hasn't aged well. To put it in terms Joe Biden uses, it's a bunch of malarkey.

We now know from not-very-well-publicized releases that the jabbb -
- Is only about 25% effective.
- Does not prevent a person from falling I'll with COVID-19.
- Does not reduce severity of the symptoms. 
- does not reduce rye risk of dying from COVID-19.
- Causes severe complications, including deadly myocarditis... particularly in the young.

We also know that since the jabbb's release? 94% of the people who have fallen ill with COVID-19 were jabbbed.

It would very this author's wager that Joe Biden is being treated with Ivermectin and HCQ. At this point, many friends of this author (30+ people) have caught COVID-19 and treated it with Ivermectin. Not one was ill a week later.

This author fell ill from COVID-19 in mid 2020, and has since been exposed to COVID-19  positive persons no fewer than a dozen times and had not fallen ill again. Most recent exposure was less than four weeks ago, exposed to two positive individuals. Not even a sniffle.  In January, this author still tested positive for antibodies... over 18 months after infection.

The misinformation is in the media.  The real information can be found. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Send In The Marine 2

As an update on this post, the outgoing school board member is campaigning for Padilla's opponent this morning. At the exact moment this post hits. That outgoing school board member voted liberal at every opportunity. Mask mandates and the whole nine yards. 

What other reason do you need to vote for Padilla? 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Send In The Marine

Wilson County, Tennessee, has an election coming up August 4, as does the rest of the state. Of particular note is the school board election for District 4. More on that in a moment. 

Recently, the Tennessee legislature passed a law that requires candidates to affiliate with a party or declare as an independent. In order to run as a Republican, for example, a candidate must have voted in the GOP primary in three of the last four elections. Not so hard for someone like me. Much more difficult for wolves in sheep's clothing on the county commission and school board in Wilson County. 

As a possible result, an unprecedented number of county commissioners and school board members in Wilson County chose not to run for reelection. 

Back during the scamdemic, a handful of parents in Wilson county actively fought back against the presumably Leftist school board and their draconian mask mandates and attempts at mandating the jabbb. Among the loudest warriors was the Marine, Joseph Padilla. His outspokenness got his primary Facebook profile banned (sounds just like a Rifleman). Like so many others on the Right, he was forced to create a new profile with a code name. 

Not being one to just voice concerns, Padilla decided to run for office. The outgoing school board member chose not to run for reelection. Perhaps she knew she couldn't qualify to run as a Republican? It matters in a county that consistently votes 70% Republican. Padilla easily qualified and won his primary handily against a variety of competition; which included at least one other quality candidate and also a Liberal plant. 

As the Liberal plant failed, the Leftist wine-moms regrouped and found a candidate to run as an "independent." This candidate has a resume steeped in education. Retired from Metro Nashville schools. The works. 

Here is where things get interesting. There is a Leftist wine-mom gang of no more than 25-30 individuals on Facebook who are very loud and nasty. They meet in secret forums and descend upon pages and people and attack en masse against their opposition. They have among them a couple of nasty women who self-identify as "Conservative" or "Republican." Of course, if they are Republican, they are the Mitt Romney / John McCain type. 

This gang has been attacking Padilla for the better part of two-plus years. 

Now, suddenly, they all endorse Padilla's opponent in the general election. They make false allegations about Padilla and questionable claims about his opponent, trying to sell the opponent to the very Republican-leaning county. Here are some of the claims:

Padilla didn't answer questions. 
Fact is, he most certainly did answer the questions in the questionnaire. You just didn't like his answers. 

Padilla used a phony name on Facebook. 
Yes, he did. When conservative voices are deleted, they must use the platforms that way. This author does the same. This is not a hit against Padilla, this is a knock against Leftist Fascist Facebook. 

Padilla's opponent has much more experience as an educator. 
This is not a positive thing! The educational system is broken. It was not broken by Republicans. It was broken by the Left and by those in the system. Logic dictates that someone FROM this system is far more likely to keep things as they are instead of fixing them!

Padilla doesn't have a child in Wilson County Schools
That's right! He was forced to pull his child out when the system failed his child. What better person to represent on the school board!?!

Padilla's opponent is "conservative" / "Republican"
Really? Why didn't she run as a Republican? 
Furthermore, why are you - a Leftist wine mom - endorsing her? You never endorse conservatives.
If she really was a conservative, the Leftist Wine Moms would be pouting that they have no choice in this election.  

Padilla's opponent is running as an Independent candidate because she believes school board members need to be focused on making decisions based on community needs without the undue influence of political party expectations.
That's a lot of words to say she wouldn't qualify as a Republican. 

Padilla is an anti-mask, anti-vaxxer.
Damn straight! 

To sum up, Proverbs 13:20 states: "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." A common modern-English translation / similitude is "a man is known by the company that he keeps." 
Padilla is this author's type of person. Padilla shares the same opinion as this author on the things that matter most. 
Padilla's opponent (notice she was not named in this writing) is adored by Leftists. Also, her campaign Facebook page only follows two other candidates for office: one Leftist County Commissioner running for reelection (as an "Independent" of course!) and a Far Leftwing candidate for school board in another district (also running as an "Independent") - one whose Facebook page demonstrates he likes BLM and voted for Biden!


If you live in this district, you should strongly consider the better candidate - Joe Padilla. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

Double Feeds

 Many readers tell me they enjoy when I write about things that do not make sense. Here is one from the gun world. 

A participant in a pistol class. This class teaches tactical reloads in the standard method - remove a partially expended magazine and replace with a full magazine. Participant states that since the methodology was not to work the slide with a tactical reload - this caused him to experience double feeds during the class. 

Of all of the training I have had, the ONLY place that advocates working the slide when performing a tactical reload has been Tactical Response. Their thinking is that each time you handle the pistol, you always address the magazine and the slide - to "dummy-proof" the manipulation. All of the other schools I've attended advocate simply swapping the magazines. 

Double feeds in pistols - particularly the GLOCK 19 (what this participant was shooting) - are almost always caused by one of just a few things:

1. Improperly reciprocated slide.
When the slide does not get reciprocated all of the way back, ejection of the round or the casing in the chamber does not completely happen. However, the new round is picked up, and pushed in behind the existing round or casing. Some common ways this happens:
- Limp-wristing the gun (this was the participant's problem)
- Light reciprocation by the shooter - a weak "racking" motion. 
- Underpowered ammunition. 
- Aftermarket parts. 

2. Failure to extract. 
This can happen with a damaged extractor, a damaged rim on the casing, or by way of "happenstance."

3. Damaged magazine.

Nobody else in that class saw an issue with double feeds. Therefore, it could not have been the tactical reload method. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Gun School Suggestions

From a reader:
"Can you get back on the subject of guns? I agree with you on Babies' rights, but come to your blog for guns."

Will do.

From another reader:
"I have come to the realization that I need training. What company should I train with? What company should I avoid?"

Outstanding questions.

As there are two questions, they will be answered separately. Q1 was "what company should I train with?" The reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, is in Tennessee. Here is a list, in no particular order, of firearms training companies I recommend:
 Valor Ridge 
 Tactical Response 
 Citizens Safety Academy 
 Middle Tennessee Firearms Training 
 Patriot Training - you knew this one would be here.

The second question was "what company should I avoid?" The answer to this question presents some ethical problems. This author knows of two companies in Tennessee that should be avoided for good reason.  However, it is also this author's firm belief that speaking in a derogatory manner about another firearms training school is unprofessional. Therefore, this question was answered directly to that reader, but the companies will not be listed here. 

More importantly, why are there two companies that this author feels you should not train with?

The first company is known to not carry insurance. This author took a class or two with them, and in private discussions with the owner and head instructor, discovered he does not carry professional liability insurance.  That is one of three primary ways an instructor can commit negligence (the other two are failing to be prepared to render medical aid, and failing to continue education).

The second company that is not recommended finds itself in that spot because the owner regularly disparages other schools online. In fact, in one particular instance, he disparaged another school for one of its modules on shooting on the move, then made a YouTube video showing what he teaches instead. In that video, he runs laterally across the range and fires several shots into two different targets. Immediately after, he explained that he did not aim at either, but used the "point-shooting" method to achieve hits and gave his rationale why.

Rule 3 (Cooper's safety rules) states "Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you are ready to fire." This instructor stated he was 10 yards away from the targets as this exercise was performed. While point-shooting can effectively be done at close range, this author firmly believes that instructor was negligent in doing or teaching that sort of point shooting with that level of speed. And with the cuts in the filming, it is not guaranteed that the hits were actually even achieved during the performance.

So, this second school is particularly problematic.  This author cannot, in good conscience, suggest them. The instructor displays a lack of moral integrity (disparages other schools), and a lack of proper safety. As the video is more recent, one might ask if this author deselected the school prior to the video. The answer is yes. The integrity issue is enough.  It is simply highlighted by the safety issue.