Leave a Dead End Interview

From Forbes:  Ten Reasons To Get Up And Leave A Job Interview 

10. They actively insult you and/or your background.
9. You know you don’t want the job and your spidey sense is tingling (in a bad way).
8. They left you sitting in the lobby for forty minutes without an apology, and now they’ve left you sitting in the conference room, too. You’ve been there since 11:30 a.m., it’s 2:00 p.m. now, they haven’t offered you lunch and you’re starving. Take off!
7. You can already tell that you would never work in this office, or with these people, no matter how badly you might need cash.
6. It’s obvious that you’ve been scammed. The job is not a real job — it’s a “business opportunity” — or it’s nothing like the job they advertised.
5. The people who are interviewing you are pushy, rude and unintelligent. Why stick around and put up with their abuse?
4. Every message they’ve sent you since you started communicating with them has conveyed the sentiment “We are the mighty employer, and you are a lowly job applicant. Bow down to us!”

Now you’re in an interview and they’re doing the same thing — talking over you, looking past you and not giving you a chance to ask your questions. What else do you need to know before calling it quits? Stand up and say, “See ya!”
3. They have misled you or lied to you several times during the interview process — and now they’re lying to you again.
2.  It’s obvious that they’re just pumping you for free advice, and have no intention of hiring you.
1. Your trusty gut says, “Get out!”

It takes courage to leave a job interview. It’s not something to do just because you are bored or you’re not sure the job is right for you.

Leaving a job interview mid-conversation is something you do because you’ve had it. Getting up and leaving a job interview is something you do because you want to make a statement — for yourself, and no one else.

It’s your body, after all. It’s your time. It’s your brand. It’s your life!

The Rifleman has left interviews for each of the reasons stated. Naturally, there is some overlap in several of the items on the list. How about you?


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