Logic Fails And How To Deal With Them

Yesterday, the topic was using rhetoric. Today, we will examine logic. More specifically, we will discuss how the Left and the Globalists attempt to refute your logic.

Almost always, Globalists will attempt to rebuff logic with their own attempt at logic - but their logic is flawed. Most of the time, they have fallen prey to using a Logical Fallacy. Some of the more common logical fallacies used by the Globalists:
Ad Hominem Fallacy
Straw Man
Appeal to Ignorance
 False Dilemma/False Dichotomy
Circular Argument
Hasty Generalization
Red Herring
Tu Quoque Fallacy (you're to blame, too)
Causal Fallacy (false cause)
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Pity

 Once the debate has devolved into a logical fallacy on behalf of the opponent, you must realize the utilization of logic is no longer an option. You may exit, or you may continue, but to continue in a persuasive manner will require the use of rhetoric.

 A great tool of rhetoric is to use a logical fallacy back at the initial offender. Don't be afraid to throw in an ad hominem or a hasty generalization. Especially if online.


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