The Rifleman's Fast

On Friday, the Rifleman completed a 7+ day fast.  The meal prior was at Gus' World Famous Fried Chicken in Memphis on Thursday, June 15 at 7 pm. The after meal was Friday, June 22 at noon, and was at Jumbo & Delicious in Hendersonville,  TN. 185 hours between feeding.

I drank a minimum of 2 Liters of water per day.  I supplemented with salt and potassium. 1 teaspoon each per day.  This kept the cramps away and kept me from feeling weak or terrible.

The purpose of the fast was prayer for my pastor, Greg Locke. The man has suffered unimaginable pain over the past 9 months. My prayer to the Lord was for Pastor Locke to be given strength and renewed purpose.

Some thoughts on fasting:

Remarks from others
People who know nothing of fasting will immediately respond with talk of starvation.  There's a big difference and they don't have a clue.

How it feels
Day 1 - hungry.
Day 2 - bad.
Day 3 - excruciating.
Days 4-7 - empty, but no longer hungry.
Mentally - very sharp. Sight, hearing, smell dramatically sharpened. 
Physically - strong.  Lean. 

Odds & ends
You realize you spent a lot of money on food, when you're not spending any money on food.
Same goes for TP.
Sitting around the dinner table with family while they are eating and you are not, helps you appreciate them even more.
Glad my belt had another notch in it.
Pants that were tight, aren't anymore.
Shirts that were tight are now loose.

Medical people's thoughts
The people with whom I spoke, who were associated with the traditional medical field (doctor, nurse, etc.), almost all warned me against doing this. All sorts of advice was thrown my way about potential pitfalls, possible ailments or symptoms, or even hazards. Not one of these people failed to mention the word starvation.

Folks, I was not in Starvation!

The people with whom I spoke, who were associated with holistic medicine - a chiropractor, and a Paleo nutritionist- all started with a simple question: "how do you feel?" Frankly Speaking, these two individuals get more and better results for their clients, than the traditional medical personnel do for their patients. Food for thought. Or, should I say, fast for thought?

It is the Rifleman's opinion that most Americans need to fast from time to time. You should try it. Of course, consult with your local drug pimp... errrr ... doctor...  first.

If it were me, I would start with a 24-hour fast.
Then, a week or two later, I would complete a 48-hour fast.
After I had done a few 48 hour fasts, then I would try a 1 week fast.


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