How to Handle Illegal Immigration

A reader asks: Rifleman, what's your policy on immigration in general? What would you do about illegal immigration?

Good question.  Let's dig in...

If the Rifleman were king for a day (scary thought, huh?):

1. Build the Wall.

2. Shoot on sight, anyone trying to get over The Wall.

3. Those here already who are being detained for suspicion of illegal entry? Immediately begin their trials. If they cannot provide documentation to their legal status, they get microchipped and immediately deported.  Clear this whole mess up in 30 days. 

4. Modify American birthright citizenship. You are an American by birth, only if one of the two following cases apply:
A. Both parents are legal Americans and you are born anywhere.
B. One parent is a legal American and you are born on American soil.

5. Reduce legal immigration to no more than 100,000 per year.  Only allow from allies: UK, Australia, and Canada. The immigrant must prove that they have a talent the US needs. 

6. Install  Comprehensive Voter Reform.

7. Fine companies found hiring illegal immigrants $1,000,000 per immigrant per occurrence.  These cases will also be moved to the front of the line.  A "Three Strikes and You're Out" policy for the management and owners of said companies shall apply - if there be three or more occurrences, management who performed the hiring and owners go to jail for 25 years.

8. Illegal immigrants already in the US, who commit any additional crime get the following treatment:
A. Misdemeanor results in microchipping and deportation. 
B. Felony results in execution in no more than 30 days time. 
C. If the felony results in the rape or murder of a citizen, then the residence of the illegal immigrant shall be bulldozed to the ground at the owner's expense. 

9. Any landlord found renting to illegal immigrants shall be subject to the same penalties as an employer found hiring them in part 7 above. 

What say you?


  1. Okay, here we go.
    1. Not a bad start, but only about half of all illegal aliens enter illegally across the southern border. The rest either enter legally, generally on tourist or student visas, and never leave, or are smuggled in across the northern border or through ports of entry like New York or Los Angeles.
    2. About two minutes after you implemented that policy, the smugglers would start shoving children over the wall. Do you want to shoot three-year-old girls? I don't, and the kind of people who do are not people you want to hand guns and power to.
    3. I agree with this one. Problem is, the backlog is huge, and there aren't enough courtrooms, judges, trial attorneys, or defense attorneys to do this in a very timely manner, so we'd have to spend a lot of money just to get started. (I'm willing to spend the money, but judging from a post I made on the same subject on another blog, a lot of people seem to think that hiring judges, trial attorneys,etc., and building courtrooms is just a libtard delaying tactic aimed at . . . something.)
    4. A lot of problems here; too complicated to get into in this format.
    5. Who decides who our allies are? Is Canada under Trudeau really our ally? You didn't mention the Philippines or South Korea, which are sources of some of the most pro-American immigrants I've ever met. And there are legitimate refugees who we should take in.
    6. I already commented on that. I checked.
    7. Probably excessive under the Eighth Amendment, and what line would they go to the head of? Proving that they knowingly hired illegal aliens is extremely difficult, and it's kinda harsh to fine someone a million dollars or send them to prison for 25 years for being the victim of fraudulent paperwork, don't you think?
    8. First off, deportation isn't a punishment, it's an administrative remedy. Deporting criminal aliens without serving out their sentence first (which your misdemeanor solution implies) doesn't deter any criminal behavior, it just give the criminals a free ride home. And executing someone for, say, burglary, isn't very Eight Amendment-friendly, either.
    9. See my objections to 7.


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