Fasting Facts 2

Several years ago, there was a man who fasted for 382 days. Some notes from the scientific write-up:

382 days = 1 year + 17 days.
Starting weight - 456 pound, end weight - 180 pounds.
He maintained his new weight for years after the experiment at 195 pounds.

He took a vitamin supplement, sodium supplements, and potassium supplements.
Otherwise, he drank only water, and non-caloric drinks.

In the final days of the fast, his blood glucose levels hovered around 30. With no apparent ill effects.
Scientists performed a number of blood glucose tolerance test on him during the fast. This, no doubt, had a negative impact on his weight loss.

From the report, diabetics who underwent similar fasting displayed better glucose tolerance afterwards.

His cholesterol levels stayed at about 230 until the 300th day of the fast.
Remember this the next time some doctor wants you to go on a Statin.
Remember this the next time some doctor wants you to stop eating high-fat foods.


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