The Rifleman's Load Out

At church on Sunday, my friend Lefty observed to Pastor his opinion that the Rifleman was not to be messed with. Pastor joked back and remarked that I probably had handguns, an AR15, and grenades on hand. The Rifleman's reply was that I had handguns, and an AR15, but that the hand grenades were heavily regulated. Pastor remarked, "Amen!"

But this begs the question, what is the Rifleman's loadout?

Short answer is, there are two: one for recon, and one for combat. The items that are shared between these are the primary rifle (an AR15 customized for speed and accuracy), a Primary handgun (Sig P320), and a Gerber fighting knife. In the car is a bugout bag with all essentials and enough food for 3-5 days. At home, there is also a patrol pack that's a little smaller and lighter.

Recon Loadout
Chest rig from Voodoo Tactical.
4 rifle mags - standard ammo.
4 more rifle mags - precision ammo.
2 handgun mags
Multi tool
Blowout kit.
4 tourniquets.
Notepad, pen, and sharpie.

Combat Loadout
Plate carrier, with:
At least 10 mags, standard ammunition.
Multi tool
Blowout kit.
4 tourniquets.
Notepad, pen, and sharpie.

Battle belt, with
Dump pouch
2+ pistol mags.


  1. Would you be willing to post about the contents of your patrol pack? I've been trying to research what would work best


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