
Showing posts from April, 2013

Sales Joke

Saw this in an email and did the old "copy & paste." I'm in sales, and have been on both sides of this discussion: A young guy from North Dakota moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job. The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota." Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job. "You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did." His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor. "How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one?!!? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.That will have to change, ...

Calvinist or Christian 5

If you are a Calvinist, you may or may not be a Christian.  Do you believe in election? • If you answered yes, then you might be a Christian. • Calvinists believe in an election independent of faith. • Christians believe in the Biblical doctrine that election is “in Christ;” i.e., anyone who is “in Christ” is elect, but that faith is essential to become united with Christ. Therefore, election is conditioned upon faith. Doctrine does not affect one's salvation - belief in Christ does. However, there exists a distinct possibility that if your doctrine is false, as is the case with Calvinism, then you may never have asked Jesus' forgiveness and as a result, you may not have received salvation. Material borrowed from this site . All edits are mine.

Shift to the Left

Last fall, after the election, I had a conversation with fellow conservative "Right Minded." He stated that the results of the election showed that the climate in America has shifted toward things liberal. At the time I didn't want to believe it. There was no way that those of us who are conservative are so vastly out number. He told me that things have changed... like they did in the early 1990's. The nation has shifted to the left inexplicably. a majority of people are OK with the idea of voting for a living instead of having to work for a living. The election was proof of this. Now, there are still pockets of right-leaning people out there. And those right-leaning pockets outnumber in quantity the left-leaning pockets. But the sheer number of leftists in this country is growing. And to make matters worse, so many on the right are willing to accept so much compromise, that even the so-called conservative candidates are not anywhere near conservative. Last fall...

Piers Morgan Lies

A liberal lies... I know, it is to be expected. And yet again, we have it on video for proof. Piers Morgan: "I'm not in favor of taking anyone's guns away." Morgan said this in a debate with Tennessee state Senator, Stacy Campfield . Here is a link to the video . Piers Morgan, after just having been advised that there are 300 million guns in the US, and when asked how many he felt needed to be confiscated: "Why don't we try 300 million." Link to the video and some facts . I agree with Campfield's question - when is Morgan going to deport himself? .

Peel the Arm

Juji Gatame – more correctly called Ude Hishigi Juji Gatame - the straight arm lock (or armbar) is one of the most widely used techniques in the grappling arts. It is called the most powerful arm lock in Judo. Rarely does an MMA event take place where a juji gatame is not used. It is widely seen in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and SAMBO tournaments.    Due to the nature of juji gatame , it is only wise for the grappling student to study ways to defeat or otherwise escape juji gatame . In response, the grappler who wishes to secure juji gatame must develop a game plan to defeat the inevitable escape attempts. In the following sequence, we will demonstrate a method of securing juji gatame that has been used numerous times by UFC women’s bantamweight champion, Ronda Rousey, in MMA competition. This same method is standard practice at my studio - the Usagi Dojo in Mt. Juliet, TN.      This photo demonstrates two things: A) how very ugly ...

Liberals frighten me

Seriously, they do! In just the past week or so: - An Obama voter declared jihad on Boston. Bombed the place. Had shootouts with police. I think you know the rest. - A liberal activist sent ricin (a poison) to Obama and a US Senator. - One liberal killed 58+ babies in illegal abortions... and the liberal media will not even cover it. Glad I have some guns... although the liberals want to take those away, too. I guess they do not want me to be able to defend myself from they themselves! .

Calvinist or Christian 4

If you are a Calvinist, you may or may not be a Christian.  Do you believe that you are born again when you put your faith in Jesus? • If you answered yes, then you hold to a major tenet of Biblical Christianity and you probably are not a Calvinist • Calvinists believe that God must first give a person new life to enable faith; without first being made to share the new life, they think that a person cannot believe. • Christians argue that people are not given the gift of the new life until they believe. • Christians hold that when a person believes, he is united with Christ and only then does he partake of the new life and is born again; a person does not share in the new life without first being united with Christ by faith, for “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Doctrine does not affect one's salvation - belief in Christ does. However, there exists a distinct possibility that if your doctrine is false, as is the case with Cal...

We knew it

Now we have testimony to the fact. The media has intentionally been ignoring the Kermit Gosnell case to protect abortion. In case you have not heard, Kermit Gosnell is on trial for performing illegal abortions. He would kill babies partially born. He laughed about it. His former employees have given gruesome testimony to the fact that he would snip the spinal cord of the baby after pulling the head from the mother's vaginal area (but while the body was still mostly inside the mother). This media commentator states that Gosnell's case has not received coverage so that they (the media) can protect abortion. .

Best Sermon

If Calvinists were intellectually honest with themselves, this would be the only sermon they would preach: "Well, god saves whomever he wants. The rest, he condemns to Hell. You have no part in your salvation. you don't even get the choice either way. So, since it won't matter, just live as you want to live. Because if god doesn't choose you for salvation, then it won't matter. And if god did choose you for salvation, then it won't matter as salvation takes care of all sins - past and present. "So, since it doesn't matter, and since you have no choice: live as you want. No need to end with prayer here. Free hookers and blow will be available here after the service. Hope you are chosen!" .

Calvinist or Christian 3

If you are a Calvinist, you may or may not be a Christian.  Do you believe that a person can resist the convicting power of God’s grace? • If you answered yes, then again you affirm another one of the central tenets of Christianity, as reflected in Jesus’ words, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather your children together…but you were not willing” (Matt 23:37). • Calvinists argue that God has determined which individuals will believe; to make their faith possible, He calls them to salvation in such a way that their own wills are overpowered so that they cannot possibly resist the call to salvation. • Christians believe that God truly wants every one to believe; but when God enables a person to believe, he does so in such a way that the individual still can resist the convicting power of the Spirit--faith is not a necessary outcome of God's enabling grace. Doctrine does not affect one's salvation - belief in Christ does. However, there ex...

Calvinist Corner - April 2013

Calvinism is not Biblical Doctrine. It's a human philosophy that appeals to proud-minded individuals. Verbal gymnastics 2 Calvinists will say that we have no free will, and if we were the ones that actually made the choice to accept God and believe in Him, then that would be a "work." They say this because scripture clearly teaches that: "by grace are we saved through faith and that not of ourselves, it is a free gift of God - not of works - lest any man should boast" ( Eph 2:8 ). They want to somehow make faith out to be a work? Something we did to earn salvation. Accepting a gift is not a deed, it is a choice. .

Irony is

Irony is a Calvinist preaching a sermon, putting it online for people to hear, then saying "I hope you are encouraged." I mean, come on... what is encouraging about the thought of some evil god in the sky determining in advance whether you live in paradise for eternity, or are eternally tortured? .

Why I am Libertarian

Why am I a Libertarian? Why not Republican? Why not Democrat? Because I do not think the government is the solution. Most of the time, the government is the problem. Marriage I think marriage is too important for the government to screw up. Get government out of marriage. Let marriage be between two (or more) grown individuals and their god (if they believe in one) and whomever performs the ceremony (if they want one). Radical notion: this would mean no more spouse support, and no more child support. EGAD! You mean a person would have to pay their own way in life?!?!?!?  YEP! Christians: you think you want government defining marriage? That's a gamble. What are you gonna do when someone gets into power who doesn't agree with you? Then you're screwed! LGBT's: you really should not want government defining marriage. Too strong a chance someone will get in power that does not agree with you! Guns If you do not want a gun, do not buy one. No laws, prohibi...