Calvinist or Christian 3

If you are a Calvinist, you may or may not be a Christian. 

Do you believe that a person can resist the convicting power of God’s grace?
• If you answered yes, then again you affirm another one of the central tenets of Christianity, as reflected
in Jesus’ words, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather your children together…but you
were not willing” (Matt 23:37).
• Calvinists argue that God has determined which individuals will believe; to make their faith possible, He
calls them to salvation in such a way that their own wills are overpowered so that they cannot possibly
resist the call to salvation.
• Christians believe that God truly wants every one to believe; but when God enables a person to believe,
he does so in such a way that the individual still can resist the convicting power of the Spirit--faith is not a
necessary outcome of God's enabling grace.

Doctrine does not affect one's salvation - belief in Christ does. However, there exists a distinct possibility that if your doctrine is false, as is the case with Calvinism, then you may never have asked Jesus' forgiveness and as a result, you may not have received salvation.

Material borrowed from this site. All edits are mine.


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