Best Sermon

If Calvinists were intellectually honest with themselves, this would be the only sermon they would preach:

"Well, god saves whomever he wants. The rest, he condemns to Hell. You have no part in your salvation. you don't even get the choice either way. So, since it won't matter, just live as you want to live. Because if god doesn't choose you for salvation, then it won't matter. And if god did choose you for salvation, then it won't matter as salvation takes care of all sins - past and present.

"So, since it doesn't matter, and since you have no choice: live as you want. No need to end with prayer here. Free hookers and blow will be available here after the service. Hope you are chosen!"



  1. But then where would the church get money for buildings and outreach?

    Guilt pays the bills.


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