Shift to the Left

Last fall, after the election, I had a conversation with fellow conservative "Right Minded." He stated that the results of the election showed that the climate in America has shifted toward things liberal. At the time I didn't want to believe it. There was no way that those of us who are conservative are so vastly out number.

He told me that things have changed... like they did in the early 1990's. The nation has shifted to the left inexplicably. a majority of people are OK with the idea of voting for a living instead of having to work for a living. The election was proof of this.

Now, there are still pockets of right-leaning people out there. And those right-leaning pockets outnumber in quantity the left-leaning pockets. But the sheer number of leftists in this country is growing. And to make matters worse, so many on the right are willing to accept so much compromise, that even the so-called conservative candidates are not anywhere near conservative.

Last fall, 125 million people voted for a candidate who had pushed for, or voted in favor of:
- stricter gun control, including AWBs.
- socialized health care.
- abortion.
- increased deficit spending.

About 47% (ironic number, huh?) voted for Romney, most of whom declaring their vote was for a "lesser of two evils." Enough people stayed home and did not vote such that their disgust with the (R) candidate was heard. Some of those who actually voted are still "mad" and claim that Romney would be so much better to have now than Obama... and it just isn't so.

A growing number of people like me voted for a third party, like the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party. All told, nearly 4 million people voted third party. The Libertarian party, made up of conservatives who really like conservative values, and liberals, who similarly like liberal values; garnered the most votes at over 1.2 million.

I'd have voted for the Constitution party, but the nominee, Virgil Goode, just was not Presidential material. Plus I have some serious questions about how conservative he could really be having been a Democrat for so many years.

Some people get really bent out of shape because I did not vote for Romney. Here are some of the better lines I've heard, and a response to each:

"Romney garnered more of the conservative vote in 2008 than Huckabee did."
BS. Romney garnered more votes, but not from conservatives. I think the person who said this is suffering from Romnesia.

"You are throwing your vote away."
Tell me again why it is *not* considered throwing my vote away to vote for someone who in turn votes against my wishes in all key categories?

"Who is Gary Johnson?"
Seriously, if you investigated Barack Obama or Mitt Romney the same way you question my investigation of Johnson, you'd automatically want to vote for someone else... unless you just want free $h!t.

"Romney is severely conservative."
So said the Obama faithful who didn't want the millions of the wishy-washy to realize that Obama and Romney were clones.

"Johnson will never win"
Certainly won't as long as you vote for Obamney.

"Johnson and the Libertarian party are in favor of abortion."
So was Romney. Fact is, Johnson and the Libertarian Party are in favor of reducing abortions to only being legal in the first trimester - a policy consistent with most 1st world countries. A policy much better (in terms of fewer abortions) than what we have now. Yes, I am willing to take a small win here to push toward a bigger win later.

All in all, I think statements like these have solidified RM's assertion that people have shifted their thoughts to the left. The Republican Party certainly has. Not sure I'll vote Republican outside a local election for the foreseeable future. 



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