Suggestions for Men 2

As a continuation of this post from yesterday. A man must correct a woman he loves, because, ACCOUNTABILITY. Here are some tips on how to do that without "hurting her feelings." Because women, as emotional beings, will invariably seek out a way to react emotionally to being held accountable. If you as a man fail this "shit-test," then she will not be accountable, and you will have demonstrated a chink in the armor of your ability to lead. 

First, you must approach this as though you are speaking with a child who is mentally about the age range of 11 - 14 or so. This author uses that as a default when dealing with women. The VERY FEW women who are mentally AND emotionally able to communicate at an age range above that are also immediately understanding when you start that way - no explanation will be necessary. They know most of their peers operate in that mentality. 

Second, you must explain to them first, in very plain language, what you are doing and what you are not doing. You are coaching her up, you are not attacking her personally. You are helping her reach her full potential. Women love hearing this psycho-babble, because so many influencers use it. 

Some general tips:
  • Lower your voice - do not shout. Of course. 
  • Be very even-keel when coaching - avoid demonstrations of anger. 
  • State the positive action to be done - do not criticize. 
  • Offer praise when correct behavior is demonstrated. 
  • If possible, correct in private. Avoid correction in front of your children or in public. 
  • In extreme situations where her behavior is public, absolutely terrible, and totally unacceptable, correct swiftly, and very harshly. This must be done in public and in front of the children. First and foremost because this is a shit-test. This is the only time when a raised voice is acceptable - but show no other signs of anger. This must be a sign of urgent necessity. You must demonstrate that you are willing to take this matter three steps farther than she is willing to take it. 
  • Focus on the behavior - avoid comparisons to other women, attacks on her womanhood, and attacks on her dignity. Regardless of whether the comparisons or attacks are true, they will be used to derail the correction into an emotional struggle. 

Watch the men who are coaches of high performing women's teams. Note that the best coaches of women are predominantly men, with exceptions being few and far between. They employ these tips to perfection. If you are low-IQ, and therefore hung up on a perceived exception to this: watch the very successful women coaches in those fields: they do the same thing. 

What say you?

Yes, I know you can think of an exception. Once more, I'll remind you of two facts:
1. The exception proves the rule. 
2. If you hear a generalization, and your first instinct is to think of an exception, that means you failed the IQ test. You demonstrate inability to think in abstract terms. 


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