Polar Opposites

My friend, Lefty, had a darn good post a couple of days ago. Let's go into why it was such a good post. 

Polar Opposites
For starters, people who cannot see past the surface might notice that Lefty is a self-described introvert. This author is a self-described extrovert. That would be "polar opposite." 

Climate Change
Next up, Lefty made the post, which has many references to the farce that is the claim of manmade climate change. Not only that, but Lefty's post was on March 12. That date marked 32 years since the Blizzard of '93 hit most of Tennessee. In that blizzard, Chattanooga got 18 inches of snow in 12 hours - I know because I was living there at the time. Were such an event to happen today, the Leftists would be screaming bloody-murder about manmade climate change. 

Last part that made Lefty's post so good was he took a swing at the folks on the right who believe in chemtrails. For clarity, my conspiracy-theorist friends are about 187-0 over the past 5 years. However, one they continually take the L on is the chemtrail farce. Hey, nobody is correct all the time. 

The Left certainly believes a lot of things that just aren't so. The Right has at least one of those beliefs - chemtrails. And it is apropos to point it out. 


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