The Problem With Many Modern Women
Seen on X, from Richard Cooper - here, pasted text in case Blogger inexplicably deletes the image as they have done so many times in the past:
"In the not so distant past, she was wifey material if she was:
A virgin
Tattoo free
"In the not so distant past, she was wifey material if she was:
A virgin
Tattoo free
Had good family
Under 25
Had homemaking skills
Could cook & clean
Wanted his children
Most brides today are none of those things."
Here we will give an example of what most modern women are like in italics below Cooper's list of marriageable qualities.
Marriageable qualities vs. Reality:
A virgin
Been with 100+ men (whatever number they tell you, multiply it by 9, at the least.)
Tattoo free
Many tattoos.
Had good family
Comes from single mother only home where the mother did not allow the father into the children's lives.
Under 25
Over 30, with declining fertility.
"Spiritual" (meaning will rationalize whatever behavior using the meme they can find to "justify" it.)
Had homemaking skills
Expects husband to work full time, then come home and be homemaker, or chores simply go undone.
Combative. Unpleasant. Sassy.
Could cook & clean
Orders takeout. Expects husband to clean, after he works 60+ hours per week, and she sits at home doing nothing.
Wanted his children
Wants his child support money.
What do men get out of marriage these days?
Not enough to make it worthwhile. PERIOD.
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