Suggestions for Men

From this post yesterday, 
"Men, stop enabling chaos. If a woman rejects correction, walk away. She’s not ready for accountability, and without accountability no love."

Powerful statement. 
If a woman cannot accept correction, she is not coachable. 
If a woman is not coachable, she is not accustomed to accountability. 
You cannot teach her accountability. 
Because she will not accept accountability, she will invariably bring chaos. 

Men who want long term relationships invariably seek peace. Chaos is the opposite of peace. 

Ironically, it is men in the "player" community who understand this best, and will not commit to a woman of chaos. 

What say you?

Yes, I know you can think of an exception. Once more, I'll remind you of two facts:
1. The exception proves the rule. 
2. If you hear a generalization, and your first instinct is to think of an exception, that means you failed the IQ test. You demonstrate inability to think in abstract terms. 


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