
Showing posts from June, 2022

Well How About That

Planned Parenthood claims that   only 3%  of their services are abortion. Of course, at the link, the admittedly far-leftwing Washington Post realizes the claim is ludicrous and debunks it. If the 3% claim were true, then the recent SCOTUS ruling would have minimal impact on them.  As an example, when Tennessee went to permitless carry, demand for handgun carry permit classes went to virtually zero.  That had accounted for roughly 2% of my revenues.  It did not hurt my business at all.  I barely know its gone except for the referral I send about every 6 months or so to other schools.  All of that said, Planned Parenthood in Tennessee   has decided to shut its doors  now that abortions in Tennessee are not permitted past 6 weeks.  Doesn't sound like they only lost 3% of their business, now does it? From the link: Planned Parenthood of Middle Tennessee and Northern Mississippi announced Tuesday that it would no longer offer abortion ser...

Underlying Reason

With all the abortion drama, it has become very apparent why the Left has become so hateful and violent about the possibility that abortions will be severely reduced in some states. But why? At the root of it - because Leftist women are going to beheld accountable for their own actions.  The very thought of anyone having to take personal responsibility for a decision is repugnant to the Left. But a woman having to take personal responsibility for her own decision - that is 1000 times worse!!!

Abortion Q&A

On Friday, The Supreme Court struck down Roe V Wade, and relegated authority back to the states with regards to regulation of abortion. Expectedly, the Left has been on "REEE" mode - more than usual, in fact. Every time the Left loses, they try to control The Narrative Òœ, and this time is no different. So this post is designed to shed some light on the truth of things.  Because it is not possible to prove a negative, if you ask for a link to that nature, your comment will be deleted. The name of this blog is not "Google." And proving something doesn't exist with links is simply not possible. The onus will be on YOU to prove that it is that way! Here are the claims, and the truth to follow: The SCOTUS made abortion illegal! Nope. The SCOTUS said the states now will have the authority to decide what regulations will be put into effect on abortions. This is common sense abortion control.  It's just a clump of cells. Yes, and so are you. The question is when do...

Pro Life Victory

The purpose of Patriot Training is the preservation of innocent life. No life is more innocent than the unborn. In celebration of the SCOTUS ruling, ALL LIVE FIRE CLASSES are 50% off this weekend only. Use coupon code "prolife"

Nanny to Death

From a reader: "Looking through the blog, it's pretty easy to tell what you like and what you want to change in life. That said, is there something you would change that is second-tier to the stuff we see on here?" Excellent question. Yes, if there is something I'd change, and if it is a second-tier item to the things you usually find on this blog, it would be this; ban the continued practice of breeding of pitbulls. Cue the hate. And for that, here comes the bingo: For those that don't know, and for those that will try to conflate: * It is a breed designed to fight and kill, and those simply aren't tolerable in society.  * They are selectively bred to have gameness - the desire to fight without regard to self-preservation. This is directly opposite of nature where natural predators will have a high degree of self preservation. * Some nitwits say they are "nanny dogs." These same nitwits get pitbulls because they are known to be intimidating ...


Milestones - June 20, 2022. * Today, my mother would have been 80. She died almost 10 years ago. * Generation X was the first generation to not enter the workforce and quickly out-earn their parents.  At the age of 46, I am firmly in the middle of Gen X. This statement most surely applies to me. As of today, I am (finally) earning more with one job than my father did when he retired in 2003. For years, I have eclipsed my father's 2003 earnings - but it has required two jobs to do so.  More notes on this: - Working at the same place is the worst way to increase your income.  - In sales, you *can* earn a lot... but most people do not.  Most top performers do not.  A very very few actually do.  - Sales is a great way to lose your job. Without reason (or for a bogus reason) - My lifetime sales record: 140% of quota.  - Now transitioning out of sales. Making way more money in so doing.