
Showing posts from August, 2017

Decision Making

Many moons ago, I worked in a customer-facing environment. As happens in every similar environment, occasionally people would want to speak with a manager, because they were not happy with a decision or policy. I saw this happen from both the entry level position, as well as from the position of a manager. That said, there is some truth to the meme above. Often, as a manager, if I related a decision or company position that the customer did not like, they would ask to speak to a manager. On a couple of occasions, when I advise them that I was the manager, they asked to speak to someone who could "make a decision." My go to reply was this " don't confuse a decision you don't like with the inability to make a decision. I've made a decision already, you just don't like it." That, friends, is what is wrong with #libtards today. They scream (in projection) that Trump is unfit for office. It is really the #libtard who is unfit for office. They bash Tru...

Quick Hitters

Lefty   does a type of blog post called "Quick Hitters." Going to try my hand at that here, because I like the format. Essentially, these thoughts warrant a paragraph - no more. Each one is worth discussing, but not worth an entire blog post. If black lives really mattered, they would protest abortion, Margaret Sanger, and black on black crime. #fakenews would not be failing, if they actually reported real news. Gun control is never about guns, it's about control. Same with socialized health care. The greatest thing the alt right ever did, aside from electing Trump, is create the term alt left. The left hates that term. You know that #AntiFA is failing when Nazi Pelosi calls them out. Things the left hates the most: when the alt right fights fire with fire, memes, accurate descriptions, and the truth. Rhetoric is more effective than dialectic, when trying to persuade many people. The left had been using this for years. The alt right brought it out in the 2016 elect...


Some pictures I took of the eclipse. 

Funny Projection

Projection - the ascribing of one's own faults to another. Liberals, feminists, SJWs, #cuckservatives , and Democrats are famous for doing just this. This one here wants court cases to decide law when the law doesn't favor her. Then she projects. . This one openly supports Marxism, and claims to detest it. Probably thinks he's Yoda, or some sort of philosopher,  too. . This one here says she is not a bother new to twitter, yet her account has few followers, and only started tweeting less than a month prior. . This one here runs and hides and changes names, claiming it was from a twitter stalker. Or ... was it a group? Evidently, this one was the one stalking and threatening. Probably not it's first rodeo. . And thus one is the crazy Liberal / Libertarian type.

Basic Truths

Ran across this link  recently. The entire article is outstanding.  Here are a few excerpts that stood out: What PUAs call “shit testing” is the domain of two specific types of women, neither of whom you want to deal with: 1. Social retards who think insulting a man will turn him on. 2. Clinical narcissists looking for a codependent to feed off of. The proper response to a shit test isn’t to pass it, it’s to walk away. And of course, only a masochist would get into a relationship with a woman who shit tests on a regular basis. ... the extreme flakiness of American women has little to do with cavewoman thinking and everything to do with their inability to interact with other human beings. American women, in contrast, give out their numbers to guys they have no interest in, then don’t return their calls. Or they’ll arrange dates with guys then not show up. That’s the definition of social retardation right there: not being able to tell a guy upfront what you think of ...

The Alt Left

For this post, please refer to this article  for a definitive answer to what the Alt Right is. Specifically, keep in mind Point 1 - The Alt Right is of the political right in both the American and the European sense of the term. Socialists are not Alt Right. Progressives are not Alt Right. Liberals are not Alt Right. Communists, Marxists, Marxians, cultural Marxists, and neocons are not Alt Right. #fakenews reports of the events of last weekend in Charlottesville, VA keep referencing the Alt Right as being equivalent to Nazis or white supremacists.  These #fakenews outlets reference three specific names: Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, and David Duke. These three men call themselves Alt Right... but Westboro Baptist calls themselves Christians, and ABCNNBCBS calls itself news, too. Maybe self proclamations are not always accurate . Duke is easy enough to dismiss. He has held allegiance to the American Nazi party, the Democrat party, the Republican party, the Reform party,...

No Protest For Me

I am Alt Right. I am an avid Trump Supporter. I am a prepper.  I belong to a group that went to Charlottesville, VA - not as white supremacists, but in defense of the overwhelming racism and bigotry aimed at whites in America today. I did not go to Virgina , nor did I want to. I believe  in all 16 points of the Alt Right, of which I will paste here numbers 14 and 15: 14. The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children. 15. The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers. But, I did not go to Virginia, nor did I want to. Why? Because I knew nothing good would come of it. As   Raconteur  puts it: I've said, repeatedly, that rallies are stupid, pointless, rah-rah bulls...

Get Alt Right or Get Left

After the violence in Virginia this past weekend, Conservative personality, Ben Shapiro, put out a 7 point opinion piece on the violence. He only targeted the so-called "Alt-Right." Of course the purpose of the event was in the name: "Unite the Right." Shapiro had the opportunity to condemn the violence started by the Left, but he refused to do so in   this piece . Here are his points, and commentary afterwards by this author on what Shapiro got right and got wrong. Shapiro's words below in italics .   In the aftermath of Saturday’s Charlottesville, Virginia chaos — a physically violent conflict between disgusting white supremacist alt-right thugs and repulsive Antifa thugs, which culminated in a murderous attack by an apparent alt-righter on the Antifa crowd and other miscellaneous counter-protesters, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to another 19 — the hot takes have been coming fast and furious. Here are some of the things you need to k...

Libtard Lunacy

To be followed on Twitter... ... Oh, it's a guy from #fakenews ABCNNBCBS. The "NBC" portion of that conglomerate. Wonder what he wants??? I bet he saw #AltRight in my tweets and profile.  I bet he wants to get some dirt... ... So he said this... ... And I replied with this... (I bet you can see where this is going) ... And then this happened.  1 tweet & blocked. It's like a gift. 

Grappling In The Martial Arts

How should striking in the martial arts be emphasized? Let's look to history first, to find the answers. Western History of Striking In the ancient Greek Pankration days, the vast majority of matches involved grappling. Strikes were used to augment grappling actions, set up grappling actions, and occasionally finish from certain positions. This is seen in modern MMA, as well.  After time, a form of boxing was included in the games, as was a form of wrestling. These were eventually all but replaced by the Roman Empire's gladiator contests - which are noted for their increase in brutality.  As the Roman Empire gave way, and the British Empire rose, people continued to fight.  Folk wrestling became the predominant unarmed means of combat. Again,  strikes were used in conjunction with the wrestling, but almost never in lieu of it. Old fencing texts, dating back to the 1400's and even earlier, made note of grappling techniques, as well as some striking techniques....

Alt Right Still

Today's topic - the goings on in Virginia. The #AltRight is not the #AltReich ... but the #fakenews media will lump them together. Also in that lump are the Alt Light, the New Right, Conservatives, #cuckservatives , Trump supporters, Nazis, TradCons, Neocons, Libertarians, RINOs, Baptists, and whomever else they wish to demonize at the given moment. Wishing success for white people is not the same as wishing failure for non-white people. There's a huge difference. But then, you knew that. The only thing that was accomplished today was an abridgment of our freedom of speech. . This reply from a self-described "conservative" is why conservatism is dead. Understand, there is a culture war going on now. If you lean right at all, you will be lumped in with all of the above. Accept it. Get over it. Learn to fight fire with fire. Fail at this, and you will be no more.

Not Even Satan Wants Her

In a move that is no doubt well-calculated, the news is this morning that Hillary Clinton wishes to become an ordained minister. Other recent reports suggest that the DOJ is about to reopen the investigation of Hillary. Yet another recent report indicates Hillary covered up a child paedophile ring. No doubt Hillary's move to get ordained is going to be an attempt to portray herself as "having found Jesus" in an attempt to receive a lighter sentence when found guilty. But the funniest part - when someone on Twitter asked if she was going to become a minister for the Church of Satan, the Church of Satan itself actually replied. They want no part of her. It's pretty sad when a person is so depraved that Satan doesn't want you. 

The Memo

The buzz the last few days has been over the Google memo . Of course, SJW-ridden Google fired the author of the memo. The folks on the Right are saying he has freedom of speech. And he does. The folks on the Left are saying Google has a right to fire him. And they do. But, as always, the Left is trying to sidestep the actual issue - the complete accuracy of the memo. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Bear Attacks

'Nuff said

Went Shooting

A story in pictures of a recent weekend.