Basic Truths

Ran across this link recently. The entire article is outstanding.  Here are a few excerpts that stood out:

What PUAs call “shit testing” is the domain of two specific types of women, neither of whom you want to deal with:

1. Social retards who think insulting a man will turn him on.
2. Clinical narcissists looking for a codependent to feed off of.

The proper response to a shit test isn’t to pass it, it’s to walk away. And of course, only a masochist would get into a relationship with a woman who shit tests on a regular basis.

... the extreme flakiness of American women has little to do with cavewoman thinking and everything to do with their inability to interact with other human beings.

American women, in contrast, give out their numbers to guys they have no interest in, then don’t return their calls. Or they’ll arrange dates with guys then not show up. That’s the definition of social retardation right there: not being able to tell a guy upfront what you think of him.

Technology has only made flaking worse. The reason girls prefer texting over phone calls is because the former removes the human element. Ignoring a text is easier than ignoring a voicemail, and rejecting someone via a string of words is easier than doing it face-to-face. Facebook and smartphones are transforming an entire generation of girls into emotionally stunted weirdos.

Fortunately, the standard game advice on dealing with flakes is sane: forget they exist.

Some feminists attempt to defend flakiness and the headgames they play by saying something to the effect of, “Well, I tried to tell him I wasn’t interested, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer!” I don’t buy it, because most normal, socially aware men can tell when a woman’s not into them. If the only men you can attract are dorky stalkers, the problem is probably you.

Women who friend-zone guys know exactly what they’re doing. They keep it up mainly because they want it both ways: they want to be able to lead men on and only sleep with a select few of them. 

Dressing provocatively and getting upset that men are noticing them.

As Dave Chappelle said, “If you ain’t a whore, why are you wearing the uniform?”


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