No Protest For Me

I am Alt Right.
I am an avid Trump Supporter.
I am a prepper. 
I belong to a group that went to Charlottesville, VA - not as white supremacists, but in defense of the overwhelming racism and bigotry aimed at whites in America today.
I did not go to Virgina, nor did I want to.

I believe in all 16 points of the Alt Right, of which I will paste here numbers 14 and 15:
14. The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.
15. The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers.

But, I did not go to Virginia, nor did I want to.

Because I knew nothing good would come of it.
As  Raconteur puts it:
I've said, repeatedly, that rallies are stupid, pointless, rah-rah bullshit, which never get you anything you want, and frequently get you a lot of what you neither want nor need.
You can read - only about 5000 times in recent years - over on Remus' Woodpile Report, the perennially sage advice "Stay away from crowds." 
You can read Commander Zero, in Notes From The Bunker, any number of times, regarding places where bad things happen: "Be somewhere else."
But no matter how many times some folks get a cluebat upside the head, they always think Things Will Totally Turn Out Differently For Me This Time, Because Reasons.

This incident, yet again, underlines that point.

If you went to this rally, you're now tarred as a murdering racist.
If you wished you could have gone to this rally, you're now tarred as a murdering racist.
If you drove the car in this video, you probably are a murdering racist.
And if you're not, you pretended to be one, and the victims are just as dead and injured, which would be the whole point of making it look like it does. (And I'm saying that last, hoping against likelihood that it wasn't exactly what it seems, and someone can prove it.)

And now the rally's organizers, and every speaker there, has succeeded in accomplishing nothing they wanted, unless they wished the entire world to believe they're all a bunch of murderous racists.

Nobody's going to hear what total shits the Antifa fascists were, because the video that's going to be played like Rodney King's beat-down is the clip of the Charger plowing into the counter-protest, and bodies flying through the air amidst the screams. If it bleeds, it leads.

You were playing the other side's game, and either you own the monkeys who did this, or you put yourselves in the position that everyone neutral or against you, and no small number of people who might otherwise support you, thinking your monkeys did this.
Genius forethought there.

I got to go to rallies and protests as a young child. Nothing ever came of them, good or bad. As I grew older, I saw rallies where things went poorly.  But I never saw a rally where things got better for the Right. Never.

Rallies and protests only accomplish leftist goals. 

So, I didn't go to Virginia, and I didn't want to.

Except for the white supremacy part, I agreed with the bulk of the points. Yes, I know that will get me labeled as a leftist Nazi. So will being anything on the Right.


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