
Showing posts from October, 2016

57 Gets Heated

The Tennessee District 57 race is getting heated. Representative Susan Lynn recently put out a mailer with several facts about Democrat opponent Trisha Farmer. Farmer quotes herself on her campaign Facebook page and her campaign blog, responding to several of the charges: This latest round of attacks focuses on my relationship with God and it is frankly, disgusting. Though I do not feel I should have to defend any of my personal religious beliefs, I'll share a little with you. I have been very active in my faith, lived in Israel, attended Colorado Christian University concentrating on a Biblical Studies degree and as an adult, I have lived my life out of Matthew 25, working with food banks across the state to help the poor, helping ensure low-income seniors have access to medication, and serving those whom society deems are the “least of these.”  I have raised my children with these strong morals and convictions too!   Grasping at straws, she is trying to def...

Female Privilege

Very good article:   18 Things Females Seem To Not Understand (Because, Female Privilege)   Copied here, in case it goes away... 1. Female privilege is being able to walk down the street at night without people crossing the street because they’re automatically afraid of you. 2. Female privilege is being able to approach someone and ask them out without being labeled “creepy.” 3. Female privilege is being able to get drunk and have sex without being considered a rapist. Female privilege is being able to engage in the same action as another person but be considered the innocent party by default. 4. Female privilege is being able to turn on the TV and see yourself represented in a positive way. Female privilege is shows like King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond where women are portrayed as attractive, competent people while men are shown as ugly, lazy slobs. 5. Female privilege is the idea that women and children should be the first rescued from any...

#Cuckservatives Don't Get It

Some observations on the #NeverTrump idiots and their fellow #cuckservatives - As a matter of distinguishing one from the other, the #NeverTrump idiot is vocal about his opposition to Trump, while the #cuckservative may not be. In other words, all #NeverTrump ers are #cuckservatives , but not all #cuckservatives are #NeverTrump ers. As they are all #cuckservatives , the #NeverTrump ers honestly believe there are undecided voters. They believe that if Republicans supplicate just enough and in the right ways, votes will be swayed to them from the Democrat party. #Cuckservatives refuse to realize that those who vote Democrat do so because they are either morally bankrupt or mentally bankrupt . That is to say, Democrat are either stupid, or on an agenda. Those on an agenda aren't likely to change. Very few of those who are stupid will change - and those who do change will require time and/or a solid smack in the face by life. Supplicating to Democrats doesn't change their min...

Funny, Funny

Some of the funniest things I've been witness to in life: "It's gonna be a blood bath!" Said by a regional manager about my location's profitability when my car rental location took on its 6th employee. We made the highest per-car profit in the state the entire next quarter. Amazing what you can do when properly staffed. " I'm not sure you're cut out for this line of work." Said by an HR person at the car rental chain. 4 years of record breaking sales and profitability. Also, literally, wrote the book ("Car Rental 101") that this chain still uses to this day. "I trained Ken Shamrock for UFC V" A prospective new student in my dojo about 17 years ago. In sparring, he was arm locked, choked, and foot locked 20 times - by me and by my blue belt students. " Can you show me where the lot lizards are?" Said by a rookie fuel card salesman to a truck stop manager. The rookie thought lot lizards were some kind...

Why Polls Don't Matter

Polls don't matter. Maybe, at some point in time in the past, they did. When information wasn't shared instantly around the globe. When one read the newspaper. When one learned growing up how to tell feeling from thinking and the media knew you knew the difference. Not today. Today, information is abundant. It's instantaneous. And the general population is dumber for it. Critical thinking skills are antiquated. Half the folks reading this must look up the word "antiquated." Knowledge is no longer held in high regards. And this is why polls don't matter anymore. People knew which candidate they were voting for no later than the end of the conventions. And if, by chance, a person wasn't yet convinced, they are really too stupid to vote. They probably won't vote. Same for anyone who is truly wavering between one candidate and the other. So, when you see poll numbers differ from one day to the next, know that it's not really indicative of any mind...

Words Mean Something

From the second debate. This is yet another reason why libtards cannot be taken seriously. Half the time they intentionally misconstrue the meanings of words. The other half the time, they simply don't know what the words mean. Like here. "He's actually LURKING... #debate" Is this the case? From  Merriam-Webster  - to be in a hidden place : to wait in a secret or hidden place especially in order to do something wrong or harmful It would seem to me that Trump was neither hidden nor secret. He was strutting across the stage in the 2nd Debate.

Saving America

The way I see it, there are really only three issues at stake in this election. People try to muddy the water and interject confusing information, but these three things are the only ones on the line and worth worrying about. 1. Border security. Trump wants border security and tightened vetting of immigrants and refugees. Hillary wants to open the floodgates. 2. Supreme Court. We may not know what kind of picks Trump will make, but we know damned well what kind of picks Hillary will make. These picks will have direct effects on 1st Amendment rights, 2nd Amendment rights, and all others by default. 3. Jobs / Economy Trump wants tax cuts, to balance the budget, and to make things easier on small business. Things that will improve the job market. Hillary wants further regulation, more taxes, and higher costs of doing business. Things that will kill jobs. Nothing else matters. Gay marriage is on the books, like it or not. Abortion is on the books, like it or not. Pick your sup...

Another One Down

Yes, I have faults (I know - big surprise, huh?). One of them is that I can be too forgiving of a man. I'll give someone a second chance they don't deserve. Even when I trimmed   the Facebook herd , I left a few known Gammas on there as they were quiet and most of them I'd known for many years. But, as mentioned in the linked article I wrote, all the drama in my life comes from either women or Gammas . One such Gamma was a friend from my youth. I guess we met through a mutual friend when I was about 15.  We shared some similar interests. However, it was a short lived friendship - too much drama. Always things like "I'm the best at this," or crying (literally) over that. Enough was enough. I decided to end it. One day, at our mutual friend's house, I told him I wasn't coming over any more, and he wasn't welcome at my place. He was angry. A wrestling "match" ensued... read: he started fighting, I responded with jiu-jitsu and played with ...

Hillary's Men

Did you ever notice that the only men who support Hillary are Gammas ? Similarly, the only men to renounce their support for Trump are white-knighting Deltas and (mostly) Gammas . Posted via Blogaway

Woman for Trump

"Why I'm voting for Trump" as sent to me by a female reader. Forget the conditional statements everybody makes at the beginning. You know, "Trump is not a perfect candidate, but;" or " I'm a [insert demographic here]." No, you will not get conditions, caveats, excuses, or explanations from me. I'm an a American woman and registered voter. Nothing else matters in this discussion. I'm voting for Trump in November. I voted for him in the primary, too. I think he's best fit to lead this country. As you and others have said, Usagi, he is an Alpha Male; A natural leader. He's a very successful businessman. He's not a career politician . He won the Republican nomination clean and fair (unlike Hillary and the Democrat nomination). Despite what the Globalist owned media would have us believe, Trump did not get wealthy by failing to deliver in his business dealings. He has had way more successful companies than bankruptci...

WROL Considerations

In the history of mankind, SHTF situations have happened periodically. Some have morphed into situations of "Without Rule of Law" (WROL). These situations are usually regionalized, but some have been larger. One of the more predictable SHTF events is the financial and political collapse of Socialist / Communist countries. Eventually you run out of other people's money. In many instances, civil war is the event. Often, the civil war and the socialist economic collapse are inextricably  linked. In SHTF situations, things become far more black & white - as opposed to multiple shades of grey, which is a convenience of civilized society. When things polarize like this, they also tend to clear up. The end result is: There are only assets and threats. Assets are things useful. Threats are things harmful. Everything and everyone is either an asset or a threat in a SHTF or WROL situation. Seeing things in shades of grey will get you killed. Period. Now that this is cleare...

Democrat Bankruptcy

From the debate - Hillary: "You know, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country." Trump: "Because you'd be in jail." Democrat reaction - People are high-fiving online over this - blissfully unaware of the dire implications. It's like they slept through all of their history classes. Scary. Dictatorial like the global leaders he admires. We aren't a third world country where we jail the opposition. He's truly frightening. Fact - Trump did not threaten to throw her in jail. He threatened to have her investigated. Trump believes, as do most Americans, that she is guilty of several crimes: lying under oath (perjury), destroying government information (US Code, Chapter 18, Section 2071), mishandling classified information, possibly even dereliction of duty. As several of these crimes are felonies, the penalty would be jail. Fact 2 - Even the liberals know he didn't t...

Bill Clinton Memes

Here are some funny Bill Clinton memes I found. Enjoy. 

Debate 2 Analysis

The second presidential debate was held on Sunday, October 9. It was an interesting spectacle. On at the same time was WWE No Mercy. However, the main event of No Mercy was held at the outset of the event so that viewers would get a chance to see it even if they flipped over to the debate. Vince McMahon and Donald Trump are old buddies. Wrestlemania 4 and 5 were held in Trump Plaza. Tell me that the main event move wasn't on purpose. Despite the temptation, I switched to the debate, and I'm glad I did. It was the single most lopsided ass-whipping I've ever witnessed. Ironically, earlier in the weekend, Michigan beat Rutgers in college football by a score of 78-0. That was the second biggest ass-whipping of the weekend. Trump, the master manipulator of the media, started just before the debate with a "press conference." It was a trap! The press conference was actually Trump having a pleasant conversation with Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and ...

Bug Out Bag

I recently attended a class on bugout bags. Pops wanted me to put up what was learned, so I took notes and am putting them here. Considerations Are you getting home, bugging out, or never coming back? The answer to this question dictates your bag. Weight is a consideration. For most, a 25 pound bag will be the limit of what's practical compared to what they can actually carry. Size of the bag is important - just a bit bigger than you need for your contents. Your childrens' bags might not need all the same contents if you wish to avoid unnecessary redundancy. Types of bags 1. 24 Hour Bag. Use this if you work in town, but need something to come back home. 2. 3 day bag. This is your typical bugout bag. 3. INCH bag. This is "I'm Never Coming Home." This is the biggest bag. An inch bag can go over 25 pounds, and for a family, might combine some common things (first aid, documents, etc.). Bugout bags Needed contents - 10 C's. From this link  - Container (...

Learned From Bill

A reader advises me that   this guy  has been having an affair with one of his parishioners. Lying, in and of itself, is not a sin. Deceitfulness is roundly admonished in both the Old and New Testaments. On a pragmatic note, deceit is indicative of character flaws. The same sort of character flaws evident in the sin of adultery. I harbor no ill will toward this person. Yet, he does not belong in the position of a Shepherd.

Uncommon Valor

For your daily dose of masculinity, here are a few snippets from a man who led a man's life. When war started, he tries to enlist, but they say he is too young. So he falsified a birth certificate and enlisted. A year into combat, he and two fellow soldiers were ambushed by enemy fire. One of his buddies gets killed. He responds by killing all five of the enemy with rifle fire and grenades. Later on, he and his fellow soldiers were taking refuge in a barn. They saw a passing enemy tank. He and his buddies killed the enemy men, then he crawled out and shot the tank with rifle grenades until it was destroyed. A short while after that, he and fellow troops were trying to capture the enemy. Enemy troops false-surrendered, and killed his friend when the friend got close. This man single handedly charged the enemy position under fire. He proceeded to kill six, wound two more, and had eleven surrender. This time they surrendered for real... they didn't want to get shot. Once he c...

Time To Grab A Pussy

Headlines this weekend include a tape of Donald Trump engaging in 'locker room banter' with Billy Bush. Among Trump's "scandalous" statements: "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Trump also talks about flirting with another woman. I say good. We have a straight, white male running for office. And an Alpha male at that. Check that... The Alpha Male. Of course, in the modern information age, it didn't take long for photos to surface, confirming Trump's penchant for grabbing pussy: . Ironically (or not), Hillary Clinton felt left out. She is trailing in the polls, and will do anything to gain attention: . But, more undercover work surfaced, and we find out why Hillary has a hard time getting her pussy grabbed: Because she's too ...

Good Comparison

Recently, my friend, "Lefty," penned an article that had several critical points of note. In case you don't read his blog, you should, because he always has good points. In this instance, he drew a comparison that I'd like to expand on. From   his article : Given the choice of watching professional wrestling or the NFL, I’d choose professional wrestling. At least there’s no pretense about scripting in wrestling. And there’s no politics in wrestling, just flamboyant personalities. It’s a show. It’s entertainment. The NFL has simply turned itself into a political statement. It doesn’t have to be that way. Wow. A lot of fact and insight bundled into a single paragraph. It's no secret anymore that the   NFL is fixed . Professional football is entertainment, at best. From a different section at the same link, Howard Cosell is quoted as saying, " I have observed the disgusting extent to which television will go in order to get a rating… T...

VP Debate Analysis

On Tuesday evening, the Vice Presidential candidates debated. Here's my take on it. Some of the best tweets. You could have picked any sumbitch out of the crowd and they would have done better than Kaine in last night's debate. - @BigBoyVol " Tim Kaine was talking in Minion language and I just couldn't understand his point. " - @MichelleHowell7 Am I the only one who thinks that someone should check Tim Kaine's computer for child porn? Just saying #CreepyKaine - @reccerifleman Hillary Clinton was going to lie to Tim Kaine and tell him how great he did at the #VPDebate but he kept interrupting her. - @LeftyMarkRose Possible strategy? Given how lopsided the debate was, and how much Kaine interrupted and kept vomiting the same prescribed Libtard talking points, it would seem the Dems knew in advance he would lose. Perhaps they tried this strategy as a way to try to get back at Trump for absolutely roasting Hillary constantly. More likely explanation....

Debate 1 Recap, Part 2

More review on the debate last week. Of course, I did a post on my   initial impressions . For a less poetic take on things, visit   this post  by Lefty. He sums things up nicely. But, my favorite recap is by   Bayou Renaissance Man . Of note: If Hillary Clinton becomes President, I think her policies - as expressed in her election materials, and during her comments last night - are almost guaranteed to bring more of the same problems to this country.  (They're already here, of course, in the millions of illegal aliens infesting our land;  but that problem is still manageable at present levels.  It won't be if the influx continues, and if the present infestation is not cut back drastically.)  Donald Trump, on the other hand, appears to be firmly against that, and wants to reserve American jobs for Americans. Posted via Blogaway

What Women Say Meme

This meme keeps making rounds on the Facebook and Twitter channels, so it is the topic of today's discussion. Keeping with the theme of masculinity, each part of the meme will be answered with a correct statement by the man who is not putting up with this woman's shit. 1) Fine. This is the word women use to end an argument when she knows she is right and you need to shut up. Caveats - she probably started the argument. And he probably got most or all of the logic points. She has lost, but cannot accept it. Reply: "thanks, babe... I knew you were a rational girl." Said with a shit-eating grin and walk away. 2)  Nothing - means something and you need to be worried. Caveats - she has probably had this issue before and you won those arguments. She is afraid of this argument. Alternately, she wants to gain attention by forcing you to drag something out of her. Reply - "If it's nothing, then you should stop stressing over it - it's giving you gray h...

Uber Review

During a recent business trip, I gave Uber a try. In the city I visited, the driver was able to pick someone up from the airport and take someone there, too. Ironically, there were PSAs at Chicago O'Hare  (my connecting location) stating that same was illegal there. The gentleman who gave me a ride was named Charles. He was a Korean War vet who had done basic training with the M1 Garand rifle. The trip was only $20 or so, compared to a $46 cab fare just two years ago for the exact same trip. Chalk me up as a satisfied Uber user.