Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lies told by the right

As I've watched this election cycle, I've noticed a lot of rhetoric from both sides. The following are outright falsehoods being spread by the right:

1. A vote for  (insert name, other than Romney, here) is a vote for Obama. 
In truth, a vote for Romney is a vote for Obama.
Both men hold very socialistic views for government: more taxes, more regulation, bigger IRS, Patriot Act, more power to the Federal Reserve, socialized healthcare, reduced free speech, liberal judge appointments, pro-choice, anti-gun, etc., etc., etc.

2. You don't have to agree with a candidate 100%, as long as we get Obama out of there.
Again, see point #1 above. Obama and Romney haven't a hair's breadth worth of difference. Why do you want a white Mormon instead of a black Muslim when all other things are equal?

3. Romney is conservative now
Use this catch-all as the umbrella for statements such as:
"Romney is not pro-choice any more." or
"Romney is endorsed by the NRA now." or
"Romney wants to repeal Obamacare." or
any number of other falsehoods referring to the manufactured "differences" in Obama and Romney.
Fact is, if Romney held these views, why did he compromise them as governor? I do not want a compromiser in office.

If Romney has truly changed his mind on these things, why? He was so hardcore the other way before, that he cannot be trusted. Especially since he is a career politician. I'd be more inclined to believe he is simply following the political winds more so than he has changed his viewpoints.

4. Romney wants to repeal Obamacare. 
Are you kidding me??? Two things:
A) Romney was the author of Romneycare. Romneycare was the template for Obamacare!!!
B) Romney himself said he wants to "replace" Obamacare. That is not a repeal!!!

5. Obama wasn't born in America.
This might not technically be a lie. Obama may well have been born in Kenya. Doesn't matter.
The "lie" of this statement is centered around the mistaken notion that if Obama wasn't born here, then he is not a citizen, and therefore, unqualified to serve as President. Obama was born to an American mother, therefore he is a US Citizen. Unless he has renounced his citizenship...


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