Follow Up on Carry Insurance 1

Last week, this blog had two articles on some disturbing advertisements put out against the USCCA and in favor of Attorneys on Retainer. Why does this blog characterize them as disturbing? Because although speech is free, part of what is protected by free speech is false speech. And it is this author's opinion that AOR was attacking USCCA with false allegations, disguised as "making an argument," in order to take market share by way of selling their "protection packages." 

Some have said that the questions raised by this author suggested a possible relationship between the gun channel YouTubers. More than one comment on YouTube, and more than one email sent to this author accused that possible relationship. Well, let's clear the air. 

The gun channel YouTubers who were observed to fall into the pattern of saying the same thing at about the same time (except Heavy Duty Country, who started almost a year prior to the others) were:
  • Heavy Duty Country (exception noted)
  • Armed Scholar
  • VSO Gun Channel
  • Guns n Gadgets
  • Copper Jacket TV

To be fair, it was Heavy Duty Country's actions that tipped the author off. That channel soon switched to shilling for AOR after the anti-USCCA video. 

That said, are the others now shilling for AOR? Let's look:
  • Heavy Duty Country       YES
  • Armed Scholar                YES
  • VSO Gun Channel           NO    (not yet, anyways)
  • Guns n Gadgets                YES
  • Copper Jacket TV             YES

They say the same thing, at the same time, and all save one are now shills for a competitor. Yes, that is evidence in my book of a coordinated attack. And, from the smooth-brained comments, it is working at least a bit. 


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