More Fake Than Wrestling

The stripper who accused several Duke LaCrosse players of rape in 2006 has now recanted - acknowledging they did not do the crime. We have known that for quite a while, as all charges were dropped due to a complete lack of evidence. 

Even back in 2007, it was known what the truth was, but the national media started down a path we now call "believe all women." How do we know? The prosecutor dropped the charges. 

"For the attorney general to go as far as he did really indicates serious problems with the case and shows Mike Nifong is in serious trouble. The main thing is that there's no lingering question. These boys didn't just get off. It's not going to be pondered whether these guys bought their innocence. They didn't do anything." — Elliott Wolf, Duke's student body president.

The prosecutor withheld evidence in the case that would have exonerated the accused players. He was later disbarred for that. 

Oh, and the stripper? She is currently in prison for 2nd Degree murder of the man who was her boyfriend at one point in time. Why is she admitting to this now? Well, Joker believes the former stripper is trying to show that she has changed, for when she becomes eligible for parole in a little more than a year. You'd do well to view Joker's entire video on this topic. 

Author's notes: 
I used to work with Elliott Wolf. Great guy. Very intelligent. 

My son is a collegiate LaCrosse player. There is still a certain stigma attached to the sport. FWIW, he plays club LaCrosse for University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He was also offered several college scholarships for LaCrosse at other schools. 


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