Local Election Win

Tuesday's election went well as far as I am concerned. About as well as any I have seen. Often, election results are a mixed bag. Tuesday was not a mixed bag - it was a win all the way around. 

One local election outcome I could not vote on went the way I hoped it would. Mt Juliet city commission District 1 is a spot that is currently held by one Ray Justice. Justice is easily the most controversial City Commissioner in town. From his (thankfully) failed bid for Sheriff, to supporting the traffic cameras, to supporting 2A bans in parks, to supporting a property tax when none was needed - not to mention other accusations - Justice is not fit for office. 

Interestingly, I have called out Justice on these things. And the allegations of him threatening others seems to fit. He seemed to want to physically fight me at the time, when a mutual friend stepped in and urged Justice to read who my employer was at the time (it was my dojo). Mysteriously, all of Justice's snarky comments were deleted shortly thereafter. 

Because of these things, I have opined that Justice is really just a liberal - or at least a "wolf in sheep's clothing." But now we have even more damning proof of it. Local wine-mom extraordinaire had this to say about him in the days leading up to the election:

And, just in case Blogger arbitrarily deletes this photo... here are the words, copied:
"I don't know how many of you are in North Mt Juliet but there is a race that is an important one. Art Giles, who is running to unseat Ray Justice. I don't have many nice things to say about RJ but Art Giles is responsible for much traffic and development on South Mt. Juliet Rd. Hell, Rays son burned one of my campaign signs and he and has said publicly that he doesn't want liberals living here. That being said, I hope those of you in his district will hold your nose and vote for him. Its chess not checkers. This man is far more right wing (if that is even possible) as RJ and he has aligned himself with the Mae Beavers and Brad Lytles of the WCRP. They are extremely right wing and it makes you wonder why this man is running again after having been out of the political scene for several years. The third candidate is Vince King and on his website, he says be doesn't believe in debt by the govt...well what does he think bonds are? As many character flaws as I think Ray does have, I do believe he has our cities best interest at heart and though we don't agree on pretty much anything, I believe Art Giles run is because he's been recruited to unseat RJ. In such a close race, I believe a vote for the 3rd candidate would hand a victory to Giles. As much as it pains me to say it, I hope you, if you're in that district, vote to Re-Elect Ray Justice City Commissioner District 1. Say it with me: checkers not chess."

So, how did things turn out?
Giles won, garnering a plurality of about 45%. 
Justice scored 38% of the vote. 

Ironically, Mt Juliet consistently votes 70% Republican, and 30% Democrat (and that held true this time, as well). Justice had 38% - or about all of the Liberal vote, plus a small amount of additional votes. "Fans," likely. 

Makes you go "hmmmmm..."

Still, over 6/10 residents in that district absolutely rejected him. That is a strong statement. 


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