Great Change!

This morning, Handgun Carry Permit Safety Schools received this email from the administrative staff of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security:

Good morning,

"As you all are already probably aware, anyone who has reached 18 years of age is now eligible for a handgun carry permit in the state of Tennessee. The state has 90 (ninety) days to implement this update to the current online application system. Until such time as the system has been updated to accept those applications, you will need to do the following for 18-20 year old students:

1) issue a 3-part certificate for them to take to the DMV after June 27th (subject to change to a sooner date if the system updates are completed);
2) complete a paper roster, and
3) submit the completed roster to the handgun unit.

If an 18-20 year old student takes their certificate to the DMV before the system upgrades are completed, they will be turned away. The Handgun Unit will notify all schools that the system upgrades are complete and will allow the electronic entry of 18-20 year old students. If you have any questions, you may contact your inspector or anyone in the handgun permit unit."

When asked if this applied to Carry permits only, or if it also applied to permitless carry, the administrative staff gave this reply:

"This applies to enhanced, concealed, and permit-less carry."

Where should a young person go to take the class for the Enhanced Carry Permit in Tennessee? 
Why, Patriot Training, of course! 


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