Full Circle

In the years prior to COVID-19, up through 2019, research studies on mask use for the prevention of viral infection overwhelmingly showed little to no link to a reduction in transmission. Early on in the scamdemic, even Fauci himself said masks were "not really effective in keeping out viruses." Then the official echo chamber elected that control was needed (not necessarily a reduction in spreading the virus) and the official mantra became "masks!" 

Of course, we know well now that mask use did not work. The only people still wearing masks are low-IQ individuals and ugly people

And now, the scientific studies are coming Full Circle! Scientific articles are now allowed to go back to saying that mask use is ineffective. Since articles can sometimes "disappear" and because some folks cannot read, here is the chart from the article, showing a 1% difference in virus spread with mask use vs without mask use. 

For the record, here is where I said in 2021 that mask use only helped out 1%. And, no, I wasn't "lucky" in saying that. It has to do with the ability to research, read, and understand what is being said. This is evidenced in my closing statements: "controls, not polls." 


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