Cops In Trouble
From a reader: "What are your thoughts on this video ?" Let's discuss on each topic, as the video has several examples of police getting justice served on them. First - Cop Plants Evidence On the video, this is from time 0:00 - 4:45. The cop is a defendant as he had many charges of planting evidence against him. I was made aware of this cop about 10 months ago or so from the "Audit The Audit" channel video here . Justice was served, but the penalty was too light, IMO. Second - Cop Wastes the Court's Time Time stamp 4:45 - 9:32. The cop clearly feels he is above the law, and must be heard in his entirety. I wonder how many suspects he did not listen to? I'm surprised the judge did not find him in contempt. And I am surprised that he was allowed to face the jail time from the plea bargain. Had you or I done that, we would have had the book thrown at us. Third - ADA Gets Spicy Time stamp 9:33 - 11:45. The State's Deputy Attorney General ("ADA...