What Skills Are Needed


This gem from social media. 

Please point to one societal collapse from the past 200+ years where these skills trumped combat skills. 

This point is certainly not putting down skills of growing food and general "survivalism," but is pointing out that combat skills have been mandatory in every collapse in recent history. 


  1. In the fire service there is a conventional wisdom that if you put out the fire, the main problem goes away. For example, you won't have to perform dangerous search and rescue if you can knock the main fire down. Or worry about a building collapse.

    Same thing with the combat skills. Kill enough tyrants and their goon squads to either A) simply eliminate them as a threat, or B) demoralize them enough to make them surrender and quit.

  2. I have to say it too, Glypto....well said.

  3. It seems to me, that if all you have are weapons, you are a gang.
    If al you have are gardens, you are serfs.

    On the third hand, I do believe too many "preppers" are not really thinking about Year 2 and after. After the gas for the generators runs out. After the can goods run out. After their first aid kit gets used. Do they know how to save seeds? Log without gasoline? etc, etc.

  4. You need both. Beats your swords into plowshares and you are slave. Literally here. Slavery as default returns within hours when SHTF, its already here anyway with cartels but it will be everywhere,

    OTOH if everyone is busy being raiders or marauders, no one eats. It is quite possible to strip society to the ground and force farmers and the like to move on . The locust hordes will follow them though and this leads to something like the bronze age collapse where everything falls apart and mass death occurs.

    The best protection is lots of friends all of whom are armed. Firearms have the huge advantage of allowing yeoman farmers to stand up to warbands. raiders and even to a degree professional soldiery thus reducing the need (not ending, reducing) for a professional full time solder class.


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