Constitutional Carry Thoughts

See how many mistakes you can find.  These are among the ones I found:
1. Open carry (yes, open carry is a mistake)
2. Horrid holster
3. Holster misused (is OWB when "built for" IWB)
4. Has never had a class.
5. No retention - holster or belt.
6. Has never practiced a drawstroke.
7. Poor choice of pants for carry.
8. (Not pictured) wearing a mask. 
9. (Presumed) No medical training.
10. (Presumed) No medical equipment. 

As an observation,  I have seen much more open carry since the Constitutional Carry law went into effect on July 1st. Still about the same amount of concealed carry.  Yes, I see you concealed carrying... and no, you didn't print that bad.

The "blood in the streets" we were warned about from the Left has not happened.  No word on violent crime rates, yet. 

Yahoos from the "Pro-2A" movement will not relent that we do not have "true" Constitutional Carry in Tennessee. Let's grant that position then point out that no state has "true" Constitutional Carry. If you argue that point, then I have 3 questions for you:
1. What state permits minors under 18 to carry?
2. What state allows convicted felons to carry?
3. What state allows for carry into "prohibited" places? (State or Federally prohibited)

Since the answer to all three is "none," the point is made.  If you argue that there should be restrictions on any of these three, then you are not really in favor of "true" Constitutional Carry.

...shall not be infringed... b*tches: checkmate.

Ammo is slowly coming back to gun stores near you.  Ammo is also more commonly available online.  I still advise -  don't buy ammo at gun stores. Possible exception: large chains where you can buy the same brand / same type for a reasonable price. 

From the Handgun Inspector for the region where my range is located, in regards to the complete drying up of carry permit classes:
"One school is running a $20.00 a person special in (city) and is teaching 20 to 30 students a week. Business is out there we just need to find it."
$500 per week for teaching multiple classes is not good business.  If I'm not making $1000 to teach for one day, I don't even roll out of bed.

And this from the best USCCA rep in the country:
"HCP classes are struggling right now because they are all either canceled or only 2-5 students."

Meanwhile...  Patriot Training has made more in gross receipts through June than in all of 2020... and that only includes one (underperforming) carry permit class in March.  For the record, the two carry permit classes taught by Patriot Training last year were both $1000+ classes.  And,  Essential Pistol is already over $2000, and it is still a month away. 

I see no need to offer underperforming services.


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