Mask Mandate Ended Here

Wilson county mayor, Randall Hutto, has lifted the mask mandate, effective March 19, 2021, at 11:59 pm Central time. Of course, the #LibNuts are screaming that we are "all gonna die!" A number of level-headed people counter with "if you wish to continue to wear a mask, then you have that right."

This author had several exchanges with Hutto about the mask mandate. He attempted to cite the "SciEncE," but that has all been debunked. This author may or may not have inferred that Hutto was and is a coward... including a question of how it feels to go through life afraid of "every damned thing." 

The interesting thing in all of this was that the Wilson County Sheriff's Department, the Mount Juliet City Police Department, and the Lebanon Police Department all indicated they would not cite people who did not wear masks. To date, this author has seen no evidence supporting even a single citation having been written by these three law enforcement entities. 


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