
The #SchumerShutdown is in full swing, and the #Libtards are having yet another meltdown. They are trying to tell stories of the folks affected by the shutdown and blame Trump.

Of course, Schumer and company voted for border defense and a Wall just four short years ago, but now that Trump wants to do it... nope.

One person took to Twitter for sympathy, pointing out that he works for the TSA and lives paycheck to paycheck.  Pro tip: of you want sympathy, don't mention you work for the TSA.

But that got the Rifleman to thinking... I don't really care about the government shutdown, but why? I guess one part is that being a Sigma, and add to that the fact that my mom would try to play the sympathy card with us growing up on everything - maybe what few f*cks I had left were all spent early on in life.

But that's not all, here's a not all-inclusive list of why I don't have any sympathy for the government workers who are currently on furlough:

You can't get a job anywhere else.
Let's face it, you work for the government because you cannot hack it in the private sector. You literally have nothing of value to offer society.

You knew this was gonna happen.
How many times has he government shut down in recent years? If someone monkeyed with my money just once, I'd be out. I sure as hell would not stay there for year after year while they predictably monkeyed with my money.

You are a leach on society.
Yes, you heard me right. There is so much government waste... And your job is most likely part of that. My life, and the lives of millions of Americans are not affected in the least bit when you aren't working. That means your "job" is unnecessary.

Did I miss any?


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