Guns And People

From  this video - some gun statistics:

#Libtards often say "guns are not used very often for self defense." (Compared to accidents, crime, etc.) Of course, they never provide statistics on this claim. Also, #Libtards will say that a gun is more likely to be taken away from you and used against you, then for you to use it in self-defense. Again, they do not provide any statistics to this claim.
Fact: a privately owned firearm is 80x more likely to be used for self-defense than to be used for homicide + suicide + accidents, combined.

3 out of five felons would prefer not to have an armed victim.

Things that burglars fear most:
1. Armed homeowners
2. Dogs
3. Police
(In that order)

#Libtards love the UK, because of the gun ban.  Facts on violent crimes per 100,000 persons:
UK - 2034 violent crimes
US - 466 (and much less if you remove the 5 largest cities with gun bans)

Since 1950, with one exception, ever public mass shooting was in a gun-free zone.

Average deaths in a shooting frenzy when the suspect is shot:
- by police: 14.3 deaths.
- by citizens: 2.3 deaths

In 2007, police shot 606 criminals. Citizens shot over 1600 criminals.

The Rifleman would like to extrapolate the last three. I would pose that most mass shootings are in gun free zones because of two reasons:
- criminals know the good people aren't armed.
- maybe more start in gun carrying zones, but get stopped early (2.3 death average), and thus do not qualify as a "mass" shooting. 


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