Funny Exchange

Him: "Blah blah lie lie..."
Rifleman: [cuts him off] " You may dispense with the bullshit."

Him: "Excuse me?!"
Rifleman: [more clearly and very deliberately] "cut the BS."

Him: "I don't deserve to get cussed out because I'm doing my job!"
Rifleman: "Your job is to lie to people?"

Him: "Are you calling me a liar?!"
Rifleman: "Yes."

Him: [bows up, as if to posture before a fight]
Rifleman: [sly smile]
Him: [backs down, realizing he is 5'6", compared to the 6'2" Rifleman... and also realizing the Rifleman's employer is a martial arts dojo.]

Rifleman: "Have a nice day."


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