Grifters, Part II

From  this post post, we have follow up information.  The friend did not send payment on "Sunday or Monday" as promised. 

So, The Rifleman sent a follow-up message requesting details on when payment might be expected. Whether due to embarrassment, or intent to defraud, the following replies were sent. The rifleman's comments immediately following.

LK: I was told it was free.
Rifleman: I've never heard of a free gun class. And you sure as hell weren't told that by me or any instructor. 

LK: I told you i would pay you but i wouldnt have attended if I knew it costs. 
Rifleman: You say that as if it's some great honor to have you on the line. This is a paid event, and you knew it.

LK: ALL of our classes and training are free of charge. (Referring to a prepper group he belongs to... but the group does charge dues, and takes donations)
Rifleman: This class was not put on by a group. Even if it was, you don't belong to that group. Even if you did, you hadn't paid any dues to that group.

LK: I was told it was free thats why i thought it was.
Rifleman: I'm not buying that. You clicked that you were interested in the event. It was a public Facebook page. For a public shooting class. All of the details were right there up top, written in plain English. 

LK: I just sent 50.00. (Class was $100, unsure where he got this number from)  [Concidering] the fact i was told this class was free of charge.  I will not be paying anymore, im sorry.  I took the class because i was invited and was told it was no charge for me to attend.  
Rifleman: who told you the class was free? 

LK: Thank you for the class but i will not be taking anymore classes for you in the future.
Rifleman: Oh, you didn't make that decision,  skippy.  

And that brings us to the biggest question: if you didn't know that it cost money, and you wouldn't have attended had you known that, then why didn't you leave during the registration period, when you "found out?"
And why did you agree at that time to pay me after you got home???

Richard Cortez and Lawrence Kinzie of Hohenwald, TN are liars and con men.


  1. For a lousy $100 those two ruined whatever good name they may have had. That kind of news travels far and it has amazing staying power, it will be remembered by many for a very long time.


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